College Athletic Trainers' Society Partners
with MedBridge

College Athletic Trainers' Society (CATS) partners with MedBridge to provide education and patient engagement tools for Athletic Trainers. Advance your knowledge and improve outcomes using MedBridge's all-in-one solution.

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About CATS

The College Athletic Trainers' Society was founded to provide high quality care to our student-athletes, to foster a close working relationship with organizations whose interests are to promote intercollegiate athletics, and to address the needs and concerns of full-time head and assistant athletic trainers at colleges and universities.
Visit the CATS website

Featured Courses

TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape: Basic Applications of the Lower Quarter
presented by Phil Page

The third course in this four-part series on TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape reviews basic kinesiology tape applications of the lower quarter This course presents the application of tape across the low back, core, hip, knee, foot and ankle using live demonstrations. Best practices for taping common lower quarter presentations such low back pain, weakness of muscles, hamstring strain, iliotibial band tightness, quad weakness, foot/ankle pain, ankle sprain, achilles tendon pain, and plantar heel pain are presented.

Dr. Page presents the information with the best available evidence, and by combining this knowledge with clinical experience and patient presentation, clinicians will make better clinical decisions when using kinesiology tape.

This is the third course in the four-part TheraBand Kinesiology Tape series. Please be sure watch the following courses:

TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape: Research and Methods
TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape: Basic Applications of the Upper Quarter
TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape: Clinical Integration

Learn more

Pulmonary Care in Athletes
presented by Todd Arnold

Pulmonary conditions appear frequently in the care of competitive athletes. As a sports therapist, you must be prepared to recognize and monitor your athletes to ensure their pulmonary health and support their athletic goals. Gain an understanding of symptoms, physiology, and treatment of asthma, exercise induced bronchospasm (EIB), vocal cord dysfunction, pneumothorax, and hemothorax to recognize and manage these conditions in your athletes. Dr. Todd Arnold provides extensive knowledge in the treatment of elite athletes suffering from pulmonary conditions. Experience the illustrative graphics, detailed course materials, and interactive case study to prepare yourself for the SCS exam or for your practice with athletes needing pulmonary care. Learn more

Pre-Participation Evaluation: Medical and Musculoskeletal
presented by Phil Plisky & Todd Arnold

"This course will be retired and no longer available as of January 11, 2022. Please complete the course by December 31, 2021 to receive credit.

Looking for more content on this topic? MedBridge recommends the following courses:

  • Preparticipation Physical Evaluation: Medical
  • Preparticipation Physical Evaluation: Musculoskeletal
  • "

    The pre-participation physical exam can elicit a feeling of dread in the provider, as it can be time consuming and routine. How can you design and implement a meaningful pre-participation examination experience for your athletes? This course goes beyond simple clearance for safety and a routine system check and identifies ways to better manage the health of your athletes and prevent injury. In a unique approach, Dr. Arnold outlines a meaningful pre-participation physical exam from the medical perspective, and Dr. Plisky takes a deeper look at clearing the musculoskeletal system and preventing injury. This course engages the participant through detailed demonstrations, case studies, and a question and answer session with Dr. Arnold and Dr. Plisky. Learn more

Strength and Conditioning in Sports
presented by Susan Falsone

This course is designed to give the physical therapist a fundamental understanding of strength and conditioning. Susan Falsone will review basic muscle physiology and energy systems and apply metabolic and structural adaptations to both aerobic and anaerobic exercise training. Multiple demonstrations and lectures will thoroughly explore testing modalities for aerobic capacity, strength, power and agility. The participant will learn how to design and implement physiologically based aerobic and anaerobic training programs. Learn more

Rehabilitation of the Overhead Throwing Athlete
presented by Lenny Macrina

This course will be retired and no longer available as of April 1, 2020. Please complete the course by March 31, 2020 to receive credit or look for Advanced Rehab for the Baseball Pitcher to Improve ROM & Strength, available in the course catalogue.

This course from Lenny Macrina will cover topics related to the rehabilitation of the overhead throwing athlete. Upon completion, learners will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the involved anatomy, the biomechanics of the overhead athlete, and mechanisms of possible tissue injury. Proper ROM measurement techniques will be presented, and learners will understand how to interpret these findings to outline a rehabilitation program. Specific clinical examination tests and maneuvers appropriate for the overhead athlete will be demonstrated. Lenny will conclude by outlining a multi-phased, scientifically based rehabilitation protocol based on the athlete’s presentation. Also, rehabilitation of a UCL reconstruction (Tommy John Surgery) will be presented based on the most up-to-date literature. Learn more

One Place for All Your Needs

Continuing Education

Evidence-based courses, live patient demos, and interactive learning assessments

Home Exercise Program

Thousands of exercises vetted by industry professionals with easy patient access

Patient Education

3D models, animated videos, and handouts customizable to meet your client's needs

Improve Outcomes

We believe education is the most powerful way to improve outcomes. With access to the highest quality continuing education, patient education, and home exercise programs, MedBridge gives you and your patients the tools needed to improve clinical outcomes.

Earn all your CEUs in One Place

We provide the highest quality online education for Athletic Trainers taught by industry-leading professionals. Our evidence-based video courses provide a convenient, cost-effective solution to expand your knowledge, better serve your athletes, and advance your career.

  • A growing library of over 450 BOC-accredited courses including over 75 hours of EBP
  • Engaging presentations with live patient demos, 3D models, and motion graphics
  • Case-based learning assessments to test your knowledge and handouts for use in everyday practice

Browse courses or learn more

Increase Patient Engagement

Engage your athletes in their recovery with the tools they need to stay disciplined and get better faster. Our easy-to-build home exercise programs are an extension of your practice in your athlete’s home.

  • Over 6,000 video-based exercises and 300 patient education resources for different specialties and conditions
  • Easy-to-build programs with drag and drop functionality, pre-built templates, and smart search
  • HIPAA-compliant online patient portal, mobile app, patient satisfaction surveys, and tools for easy documentation in your EMR

Learn more about patient engagement and how you can help your patients reach their highest level of function

Thousands of ATs Improve Lives With MedBridge

Charlotte Booth, BS, ATC, CSCS

“Being able to get all of my ATC CEU's in one place, especially the EBP courses, has relieved a lot of stress!”

Charlotte Booth, BS, ATC, CSCS,
Director of Clinical Programming, M.O.G National

Brett Burton, PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS

“I use MedBridge daily. It is a huge part of my patient care and professional development… the continuing education is second to none.”

Brett Burton, PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS

Becky Lee, MSPT, ATC

“LOVE MedBridge… I literally used the evaluation, assessment, and treatment concepts in the clinic the next day!”

Becky Lee, MSPT, ATC,
Ridgeview Medical Center, Rehab Specialties

Improve lives.

Advance your knowledge with exclusive content from industry leading instructors