General Compliance Training for Healthcare Staff

Presented by Medbridge

General Compliance Training for Healthcare Staff

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Regulatory compliance is an essential part of healthcare operations. But what does it mean to have a culture of compliance? Throughout this course, learners will explore the goals of an effective compliance program, the Office of Inspector General’s recommended seven elements of a strong compliance program, and the role that they play in fostering a culture of compliance. This course also includes examples of noncompliance, the impact that they have on facilities, patients and healthcare providers, and how to report compliance issues.

1) Explore elements of a strong compliance program
2) Understand how to manage and correct compliance risks

This course has been certified by ACHC, and verified by Community Health Accreditation Partner (CHAP). It also provides training to help Medicare Advantage organizations and Part D plan sponsors to meet the following federal regulations related to general compliance training:
If your organization contracts with Medicare Parts C and D plan sponsors, you may be required to take coursework directly on the Medicare Learning Network Learning Management System. You can access those courses by clicking here:
Estimated Runtime: 15 minutes

Reviewed and approved by
Anne Pierce, RN, LNC, RAC-CT

NOTE: This course is not a substitute for legal advice for any individual provider or situation. Always consult your company's legal or compliance personnel with any questions or concerns related to this subject matter.

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