Garry  Kauffman, MPA, FACHE, RRT, FAARC


  • 2 Courses

Garry Kauffman


Garry W. Kauffman is a registered respiratory therapist with more than 40 years of experience. Garry was selected to be an AARC Fellow (FAARC) based on his contributions to the profession at the national level. Garry received his MPA from the Pennsylvania State University and achieved the distinction of board certification in health care (FACHE) from the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Garry began his career as a bedside clinician and has served in clinical, educational, and administrative roles in a variety of healthcare organizations and venues, including short-term acute care hospitals, physician practices, ambulatory services, and long-term acute care hospitals. He formed and is the manager of the healthcare consulting company Kauffman Consulting, LLC.

Garry is recognized for numerous journal publications, as author/coauthor of respiratory care textbooks, and as a frequent speaker. Garry has served his profession at the district, state, and national levels, where he has served in the AARC House of Delegates, on the AARC Board of Directors, and as AARC president, as well as in various volunteer roles, including serving on the AARC Benchmarking Committee, the AARC Advanced Practice RT Task Force, and the AARC Strategic Planning Committee. Garry has been an AARC Chartered Affiliate consultant, a Respiratory Care author/reviewer, an AARC Times/Newsroom author/reviewer, an AARC Safe and Effective Staffing Guide project leader, and an ARCF Education Recognition Award judge, among others.

Garry’s focus continues to be on communicating the value of respiratory care services delivered by respiratory therapists by connecting the science of respiratory care, documenting outcomes secondary to respiratory care services, and communicating the value of respiratory therapists to key stakeholders in the healthcare system.

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