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Cheryl Van Demark


Cheryl Van Demark is a physical therapist, yoga therapist, and yoga teacher with a master's degree in physical education and exercise science. She is approaching 40 years of helping individuals optimize body alignment, restore movement, build strength, and cultivate a balance in body, mind, and spirit to pursue joyful living. Cheryl is deeply inspired to integrate the wisdom of yoga into the future of healthcare.

Cheryl established Health In Motion LLC in 2009 to provide integrative therapeutic services. She codeveloped and is the primary facilitator for the Chronic Pain Self-Care Program within the Dignity Health Yavapai Regional Medical Center. She provides professional development on topics of health creation and resilience for clinicians in rehabilitation medicine for various Arizona-based healthcare organizations. Cheryl also provides public yoga instruction through Yavapai College and is adjunct faculty for the Prescott College Yoga Teacher Training Program. Her experience as a physical therapist intelligently informs her approach to yoga practice.

Cheryl received her BS in physical therapy in 1983, her MA in physical education through Northern Arizona University in 1991, yoga teacher training in 2008, yoga therapist education in 2010, and a Reiki Master designation in 2016 through the Usui lineage. She also completed an integrative health and lifestyle program with the University of Arizona in 2014. "C-IAYT" designates certification with the International Association of Yoga Therapists as a yoga therapist, and Cheryl served as faculty for a number of years with the Integrative Yoga Therapy Program. She also greatly enjoys writing and has contributed book chapters to Integrative Rehabilitation Practice: The Foundations of Whole-Person Care for Health Professionals and Fostering Creativity in Rehabilitation. She is a member of the Yoga Alliance, the International Association of Yoga Therapists, the American Physical Therapy Association, and the International Association for the Study of Pain.

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Courses with Cheryl Van Demark

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Mindfully Moving Toward Resilience

Presented by Cheryl Van Demark, PT, MA, C-IAYT

Mindfully Moving Toward Resilience

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Video Runtime: 46 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 31 Minutes

Intentional resilience building is an often overlooked yet critical asset to successful rehabilitation. Fundamental, evidence-based skill sets to build resilience can be integrated into self-care plans to support optimal healing for patients and to nurture the health professionals who serve them. Each course in this series features a facet of the science of resilience, then offers an experiential component that can be immediately applied to home practice or used in a clinical setting.

This course will explore perspectives on how mindful movement builds human resilience beyond physical fitness. The skill of interoception (inner body sensing) is described for application to clinical practice. The relationship between resilience and interoception for promoting self-regulation is featured. Useful cues for integrating mindful movement into daily activities are presented. The course will benefit health professionals who wish to move more mindfully themselves and will be useful for anyone training others to enhance their physical activity.

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Considerations for Fueling Resilience

Presented by Cheryl Van Demark, PT, MA, C-IAYT

Considerations for Fueling Resilience

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Video Runtime: 43 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 32 Minutes

Intentional resilience building is an often overlooked yet critical asset to successful rehabilitation. Fundamental, evidence-based skill sets to build resilience can be integrated into self-care plans to support optimal healing for patients and to nurture the health professionals who serve them. Each course in this series features a facet of the science of resilience, then offers an experiential component that can be immediately applied to home practice or used in a clinical setting.

It is necessary to consider how well patients are resourced to be resilient through their rehabilitation. Quality of fuel in the form or food, sleep, breath, digestion, eliminatory function, and environment are important aspects of creating self-care plans.

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Emotional Resilience

Presented by Cheryl Van Demark, PT, MA, C-IAYT

Emotional Resilience

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Video Runtime: 47 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 32 Minutes

Intentional resilience building is an often overlooked yet critical asset to successful rehabilitation. Fundamental, evidence-based skill sets to build resilience can be integrated into self-care plans to support optimal healing for patients and to nurture the health professionals who serve them. Each course features a facet of the science of resilience, then offers an experiential component that can be immediately applied to home practice or used in a clinical setting.

Psychoemotional response to navigating adversity in health status has historically not been well addressed in training rehabilitation professionals. If and when it is addressed, the opportunity to utilize positive psychology intentionally in the plan of care can be overlooked. Emotional resilience will be presented using trainable skill sets that can be embraced to benefit health professionals, our work environment, and those we serve.

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Societal Resilience: Shifting Perspective From Me to We

Presented by Cheryl Van Demark, PT, MA, C-IAYT

Societal Resilience: Shifting Perspective From Me to We

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Video Runtime: 45 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 32 Minutes

Recognizing that resilience can be cultivated on community, ecosystem, and planetary levels presents enormous societal opportunities. Clinicians in all areas of rehabilitation may experience enhanced work engagement when the value of reintegrating patients into society is viewed from this perspective. Practicing mindfulness within social interactions appears to promote prosocial behaviors. Social witnessing is introduced to learn how to recognize and mitigate suffering within diverse yet interrelated local and global societies.

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Self-Care Practices Inspired by Contemplative Neuroscience and Yoga (Recorded Webinar)

Presented by Cheryl Van Demark, PT, MA, C-IAYT

Self-Care Practices Inspired by Contemplative Neuroscience and Yoga (Recorded Webinar)

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Video Runtime: 177 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 19 Minutes

This course is a recording of a previously hosted live webinar event. Polling and question submission features are not available for this recording. Format and structure may differ from standard MedBridge courses.

Contemplative practices historically offer practical means to promote human flourishing. This experiential presentation will inspire rehabilitation professionals to adopt an expansive view of how we utilize both movement and stillness to promote well-being in ourselves and in our patients. We will highlight relevant research in contemplative neuroscience and embodied contemplative movement-based practices as well as directly experience simple, immediately applicable informal practices. Participation in this interactive learning experience will be enjoyable, engaging, and of benefit to all through its impetus to incorporate practices that improve self-regulation and build resilience.

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Aging Gracefully: Informed Choices for Health, Wellness, and Well-Being

Presented by Cheryl Van Demark, PT, MA, C-IAYT

Aging Gracefully: Informed Choices for Health, Wellness, and Well-Being

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The human body reflects intelligent design capable of continual adaptation as we interact with our environment, from our first breath to our last. While our genetics and nutrition greatly influence our health status over our lifespan, our responses to life events and relationships, along with our health behaviors and capacity for resiliency, also determine our potential to age gracefully. This course will provide the rehabilitation medicine professional with an integrative and interprofessional perspective, inspiring collaboration with older adult patients in generating states of well-being associated with optimal aging. Our therapeutic relationship is strengthened when clinicians understand patient attitudes toward their aging process, which includes recognizing their beliefs (and our own) about what is and is not inevitable as we age.

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Integrative Treatment For Patients Experiencing Chronic Pain

Presented by Cheryl Van Demark, PT, MA, C-IAYT

Integrative Treatment For Patients Experiencing Chronic Pain

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The National Pain Strategy (2016) describes chronic pain as a disease affecting more than a third of our population. Participation in this course will prepare rehabilitation professionals to meet the needs of the rising tide of Boomers surging into our health care system suffering with chronic pain and multiple NCDs (non-communicable diseases). Hippocrates sagely advised "it is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than what sort of disease a person has." While health professionals are well educated in explaining the neuroscience of pain and mitigating deconditioning in this patient population, it appears we are ill equipped to directly address how we (patients and practitioners) embody suffering. In this course, the rehabilitation professional will apply Hippocrates' advice to enhance our biopsychosocial-spiritual patient interviews, and integrate simple evidence-informed tools from yoga and other contemplative practices to improve our therapeutic presence and help patients identify and relieve suffering. This metacognitive course will rejuvenate the practitioner and inspire truly patient-centered care for the older adult experiencing chronic pain.

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Webinars with Cheryl Van Demark

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Sep 3, 2020

Self-Care Practices Inspired by Contemplative Neuroscience and Yoga

Presented by Cheryl Van Demark

No Recording Available

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