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Adriaan Louw


Adriaan earned his undergraduate degree, master's degree, and PhD in physiotherapy from Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa. He is an adjunct faculty member at St. Ambrose University and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, teaching pain science. Adriaan has taught throughout the US and internationally for 25 years at numerous national and international manual therapy, pain science, and medical conferences. He has authored and coauthored more than 100 peer-reviewed articles related to spinal disorders and pain science. Adriaan completed his PhD on pain neuroscience education and is the director of the Therapeutic Neuroscience Research Group--an independent collaborative initiative studying pain neuroscience. Adriaan is senior faculty, pain science director, and vice president of faculty experience for Evidence in Motion.

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Pain Neuroscience and the Older Adult (Recorded Webinar)

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

Pain Neuroscience and the Older Adult (Recorded Webinar)

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Video Runtime: 87 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 30 Minutes

As the world population ages, we must reevaluate our pain paradigms in the older adult population. It is overwhelmingly shown that older patients hurt not because they are old but because they stop moving. Fear avoidance and pain catastrophizing, driven by misbeliefs regarding aging, greatly limit movement. Recent pain neuroscience education (PNE) research has shown that normalizing pain beliefs, including the role of aging and pain, powerfully influences movement, pain, and disability, even in older adults. Additionally, therapeutic strategies aimed at altering brain mapping of people in pain, including older adults, open up new avenues to help ease pain and disability. This webinar will explore the myth of aging and pain, the evolution and evidence for PNE and graded motor imagery, and how various ready-to-use examination and treatment techniques can help older adults with much-needed pain relief, improved movement, and improved quality of life.

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The Neuroscience of Pain

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

The Neuroscience of Pain

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Video Runtime: 68 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 34 Minutes

In the last 20 to 30 years, there has been a significant increase in the biological and physiological understanding of a human pain experience. It is now well understood that many biological and physiological processes are key elements in pain, especially persistent pain. This is an introductory course for athletic trainers, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and other licensed medical providers in inpatient, outpatient, home health, and school settings. Clinicians completing this course will develop an understanding of the latest neuroscience view of a human pain experience, allowing them to recognize various key elements of several types of persistent pain, including ongoing pain, spreading pain, allodynia, and hyperalgesia.

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Application of Pain Neuroscience Education

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

Application of Pain Neuroscience Education

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Video Runtime: 70 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 34 Minutes

Evidence, consisting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, for pain neuroscience education is growing. In contrast, little is known of the how-to clinical application of pain neuroscience education. How do these pain metaphors look? How do they sound? This is an introductory course for athletic trainers, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and other licensed medical providers in inpatient, outpatient, home health, and school settings. Clinicians will see firsthand how pain neuroscience education is applied to a patient with persistent pain. Various symptoms will be explained via metaphors, examples, and images.

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The Pain Epidemic and Biopsychosocial Model

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

The Pain Epidemic and Biopsychosocial Model

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Video Runtime: 54 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 37 Minutes

Pain is at epidemic proportions. One reason for this is the way we view pain. Traditional biomedical models fuel many misbeliefs regarding pain, and a more well-rounded biopsychosocial model is needed to address pain. This is an introductory course for athletic trainers, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and other licensed medical providers in inpatient, outpatient, home health, and school settings. Learners will come away from the course with a working knowledge of the various constructs of the biopsychosocial model and how one can leverage this model to better serve patients in pain.

Courses in this series include:

1. The Pain Epidemic and Biopsychosocial Model
2. The Neuroscience of Pain
3. Introduction to Pain Neuroscience Education
4. Application of Pain Neuroscience Education
5. PNE+: Nonpharmacological Approach to Treating Pain

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Introduction to Pain Neuroscience Education

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

Introduction to Pain Neuroscience Education

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Video Runtime: 66 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 34 Minutes

Teaching patients the underlying neuroscience of their pain experience is referred to as pain neuroscience education. Growing evidence supports its use for people experiencing pain. As it gains evidence, there is also a need to understand aspects associated with clinical implementation. This is an introductory course for athletic trainers, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and other licensed medical providers in inpatient, outpatient, home health, and school settings. Clinicians will be updated on the latest evidence for pain neuroscience education for persistent pain. Additionally, clinicians will see how pain neuroscience education is being trialed in various acute and subacute conditions. Finally, various strategies are shown on how to implement pain neuroscience education in clinical practice.

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PNE+: Nonpharmacological Approach to Treating Pain

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

PNE+: Nonpharmacological Approach to Treating Pain

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Video Runtime: 60 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 34 Minutes

Education as a stand-alone treatment is limited in changing human behavior. Pain neuroscience education is no different. When pain neuroscience education is combined with behavioral strategies, such as movement, sleep hygiene, and goal setting, marked improvement in pain and disability ensues. This is an introductory course for athletic trainers, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and other licensed medical providers in inpatient, outpatient, home health, and school settings. Clinicians completing this course will recognize how PNE+ evolved from pain neuroscience education as a powerful means to change behavior. When we combine pain neuroscience education with exercise, pacing, graded exposure, sleep hygiene, and goal setting, powerful changes occur in people experiencing pain.

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Preoperative Pain Neuroscience Education for Lumbar Surgery

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

Preoperative Pain Neuroscience Education for Lumbar Surgery

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Video Runtime: 68 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 31 Minutes

Lumbar surgery is very prevalent and ever increasing. It is currently reported that one in four patients still experiences pain and disability after lumbar surgery. This course will showcase how a pain neuroscience program was developed, tested, and validated for patients undergoing lumbar surgery. Immediate post-education results showed favorable changes to fear avoidance, pain catastrophizing, and beliefs and expectations regarding surgery. Long-term results showed a positive influence on surgical experience and healthcare utilization after surgery. This course will also showcase a live patient session showing the delivery of the preoperative pain neuroscience education program. This course is suited for clinicians working with pre- and postoperative lumbar surgery patients.

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Preoperative Pain Neuroscience Education for Knees and Shoulders

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

Preoperative Pain Neuroscience Education for Knees and Shoulders

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Video Runtime: 45 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 29 Minutes

Orthopedic surgery rates are increasing. Approximately one in four patients experiences persistent pain and disability after surgery, and postoperative rehabilitation has shown limited efficacy in easing the pain and disability. Recent research has shown that various pain issues surrounding orthopedic surgery--central sensitization, fear avoidance, and catastrophizing--play a significant role in postoperative outcomes. In light of this, a preoperative pain neuroscience education program was built for knee replacements and shoulder surgery. This course will showcase the rationale for the program, including the evolution and development of the program. The course takes participants through the program step-by-step, making it easy for clinical application. This is ideal for clinicians working with patients struggling with knee and shoulder pain in the perioperative period.

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Orthopedic Surgery, Pain, and Disability

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

Orthopedic Surgery, Pain, and Disability

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Video Runtime: 70 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 29 Minutes

Orthopedic surgery is very common, and current data shows it's ever increasing. Unfortunately, it is now well established that approximately one in four patients still experience persistent pain and disability after orthopedic surgery. Unfortunately, postoperative rehabilitation has done little to help ease that pain and disability. In line with this data, pain scientists turned their attention to various perioperative factors associated with poor surgical outcomes, such as pain beliefs, fear avoidance, catastrophizing, etc., to determine if targeting these psychosocial issues may in fact yield superior results. Through a series of studies, a preoperative pain neuroscience education program was developed for patients undergoing lumbar surgery. This course showcases the evolution, development, and final build of the preoperative pain neuroscience education program for orthopedic surgery, starting specifically with lumbar surgery. This course applies to all clinicians who work with patients in all clinical settings who have or will be experiencing an orthopedic surgery.

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The Brain, Athletes, and Sports Performance

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

The Brain, Athletes, and Sports Performance

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Video Runtime: 51 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 23 Minutes

Advances in pain science have showcased the importance of the brain. Functionally, the brain undergoes changes during a pain experience whereby areas of the brain are tasked to process issues associated with pain versus their normal tasks. Structurally, the brain also undergoes changes during a pain experience, with cortical maps shifting, which is associated with persistent pain. Athletes are not immune to these functional and structural changes in the brain. In fact, it's proposed that sports performance--the ultimate goal for an athlete--is significantly impacted when the brain experiences and processes pain. This course will showcase how the brains of athletes are impacted by pain and how this impact translates to sports performance. Additionally, neuroscience strategies are shown that may be of great benefit to clinicians treating athletes experiencing pain. This course applies to clinicians treating athletes of all kinds or treating any patients experiencing orthopedic injuries and pain.

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The Biopsychosocial Approach in Athletes Experiencing Pain

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

The Biopsychosocial Approach in Athletes Experiencing Pain

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Video Runtime: 77 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 31 Minutes

Pain is common in athletes, and biomedical models tying injury to pain are often used to teach athletes about pain. These models are very limited, and there is a poor correlation between pain and injury--especially in athletes. It is now well established that many athletes experience injury or tissue issues yet experience little to no pain. Pain is very complex, and a biopsychosocial approach is needed to fully understand and explain pain in athletes. A key element in pain is the brain, or, more precisely, the brain's processing of the experience--the pain neuromatrix. During a pain experience, multiple areas of the brain become busy, forming a network of connections referred to as the pain neuromatrix, which individualizes a human's pain experience. The brain increasingly gets busy, which impacts pain, function, and ultimately sports performance in athletes. This course is a great step into the world of pain science for clinicians treating athletes of all kinds in different stages of life and injury.

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A Clinical Application of Easing Pain via Neuroplasticity

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

A Clinical Application of Easing Pain via Neuroplasticity

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Video Runtime: 123 Minutes; Learning Assessment Runtime: 52 Minutes

Neuroscience and brain imaging advances have shown that decreased movement of body parts leads to functional and structural changes in the brain. These neuronal representations of body parts are dynamically maintained, and changes in shape and size of body maps correlate to increased pain and disability. Neglect, increased fear-avoidance, and decreased use of body parts increases pain and disability, along with sensitization of the nervous system. This can result in extreme sensitivity to physical treatments such as hands-on therapy, exercise, etc. Neuroplasticity also provides hope. Body maps can be retrained within minutes. One strategy used in normalizing cortical maps is graded motor imagery (GMI), including normalizing laterality, motor imagery, mirror therapy, sensory discrimination, sensory integration, and more. The growing evidence shows the GMI program as a whole, or parts of it, can be used clinically to help desensitize a hypersensitive nervous system. This 90-minute session will showcase how brief GMI interventions can be readily applied in real-life clinics to accelerate the recovery of people struggling with pain.

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The "How-To" of Teaching Patients about Pain (Recorded Webinar)

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

The "How-To" of Teaching Patients about Pain (Recorded Webinar)

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Video Runtime: 173 Minutes; Learning Assessment Runtime: 19 Minutes

This course is a recording of a previously hosted live webinar event. Polling and question submission features are not available for this recording. Format and structure may differ from standard MedBridge courses. In recent years there has been a big interest in teaching people about pain. Growing evidence supports pain neuroscience education (PNE)'s ability to decrease pain, disability, pain catastrophization, fear-avoidance, lack of movement, and dependence on health care. In contrast to the scientific activity, there remains a huge disconnect with clinicians: the clinical application of PNE. This webinar aims to help attendees implement PNE in everyday clinical practice in a variety of settings. The presenter's clinical research team has conducted and published numerous studies examining the clinical aspects of PNE: Who needs it? What should be taught? When is an optimal time? How should it be delivered? Additionally, the presentation will help attendees with real-life clinical issues such as billing, time management, documentation, the place of exercise, movement, hands-on treatment, and more. There is a growing need in the health care industry for the practical application of PNE. This webinar will teach attendees simple, user-friendly metaphors, drawings, illustrations, and examples which powerfully affect a patient's beliefs and attitudes regarding their pain. This webinar spans all realms of clinical practice where we aim to help the suffering of people in pain.

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Pain Peculiarities in Everyday Life

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

Pain Peculiarities in Everyday Life

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Pain is a normal part of human existence: everyone experiences it, but not everyone experiences it in the same way. An individual's age, job situation, personality, and socioeconomic status shape their pain experience and can have a significant impact their prognosis and treatment. This course will explore the bio-psycho-social aspects of pain, with particular attention given to kids and pain, work and pain, personality and pain, and socioeconomic status and pain. The course will also answer the question of "So what?," offering clinical applications for each of these factors. Getting a handle on pain peculiarities will equip therapists to point their treatment plans in a direction that fosters meaningful change in the lives of their patients.

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Social and Cultural Constructs of Pain

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

Social and Cultural Constructs of Pain

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Pain is a normal part of human existence: Everyone experiences it, but not everyone experiences it in the same way. An individual's social support system and cultural differences shape their pain experience and can have a significant impact on their prognosis and treatment. This course will explore the bio-psycho-social aspects of pain, with particular attention given to the social and cultural constructs of pain. The course will also answer the question of "So what?," offering clinical applications related to these social and cultural constructs. Getting a handle on pain peculiarities will equip therapists to point their treatment plans in a direction that fosters meaningful change in the lives of their patients.

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Warning Signs and the Perception of Pain

Presented by Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD

Warning Signs and the Perception of Pain

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Pain is a normal part of human existence: Everyone experiences it, but not everyone experiences it in the same way. Cultural differences, upbringing and gender can play a role in how pain is perceived by patients. Clinicians need to understand how underlying psychosocial factors, poor coping mechanisms, and faulty perceptions about pain affect prognosis and treatment. This course will explore the bio-psycho-social aspects of pain, with particular attention given to the psychosocial aspects of pain. Getting a handle on pain peculiarities will equip therapists to point their treatment plans in a direction that fosters meaningful change in the lives of their patients.

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Webinars with Adriaan Louw

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Feb 14, 2023

Pain Neuroscience and the Older Adult

Presented by Adriaan Louw

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Dec 11, 2019

Teaching People About Pain – Live 2019 Update

Presented by Adriaan Louw

No Recording Available

Sep 27, 2018

The “How-To” of Teaching Patients About Pain

Presented by Adriaan Louw

No Recording Available

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