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Orthopedic Exam Tests

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  • Abduction Test
  • Active Lachman Test
  • Adduction Test
  • Akseki Test
  • Anderson's Medial Lateral Grind Test
  • Anterior Drawer Test for Knee
  • Apley's Distraction Test
  • Apley's Grind Test
  • Appley's Compression Test
  • Bounce Home Test
  • Bousquet External Hypermobility Test
  • Bulge Sign
  • Childress Sign Test
  • DIAL Test
  • Drop Leg Lachman Test
  • Dynamic Test
  • Ege's Test
  • Extension Overpressure Test
  • External Rotation Recurvatum Test (1leg)
  • External Rotation Recurvatum Test (2 legs)
  • Flexion Overpressure Test
  • Gravity Drawer Test
  • Hughston's Posterolateral Drawer Sign
  • Jakob Test
  • Joint Line Tenderness Test
  • KKU Knee Compression-Rotation Test
  • KT-1000 Arthrometer
  • Lachman-Trillat Test
  • Lachmans Test
  • Lateral Pivot Shift Test
  • Loomer Test
  • MPAT Test
  • McMurrays Test
  • Medial-Lateral Grind Test
  • Merke's Sign Test
  • Modified Lachman's Test
  • Modified Stroke Test
  • Moving Patellar Apprehension Test
  • Needle Test for Quadriceps Tendon Test
  • No Touch Lachman Test
  • Ober's Test For Knee
  • Patella Apprehension Test
  • Patellar Compression Test
  • Patellar Grinding Test
  • Patellar Tilt Test
  • Pivot Shift Test
  • Posterior Drawer Test for Knee
  • Posterior Sag Sign Test
  • Posterolateral Drawer Sign Test
  • Q-Angle Test
  • Quad Active Drawer Test
  • Quad Active Test
  • Reverse Pivot Shift Test
  • Ritchie Test
  • Slocum Test
  • Squat Test
  • Stable Lachman Test
  • Steinman I Sign Test
  • Step Off Test
  • TFJA Test
  • Test of MacIntosh
  • Thessaly Test
  • Tibial External Rotation Test
  • Tibiofemoral Joint Abduction Test
  • Trillat Test
  • Valgus Stress Test
  • Varus Stress Test


  • Craig's Test
  • Eccentric Hip Flexion Test
  • FABER Test
  • Fitzgerald Test: Posterior Labrum
  • Fitzgerald Test: Anterior Labrum
  • Flexion Abduction External Rotation Test
  • Flexion Internal Rotation Test
  • Flexion, Adduction, Axial Compression Test
  • Flexion, Internal Rotation, Axial Compression Test
  • Flexion-Adduction Internal Rotation Test
  • Hamstring 90-90 Test
  • Hip Scour Test
  • Impingement Provocation Test
  • Impingement Test
  • Internal Rotation Grind Test
  • Internal Rotation Load Test
  • Log Roll Test
  • MFER Test
  • MFIR Test
  • Maximum Flexion External Rotation Test
  • Maximum Flexion Internal Rotation Test
  • McCarthy Sign Test
  • Ober's Test
  • Palpation Posterior to Greater Trochanter
  • Resisted Straight Leg Raise Test
  • Resisted Straight Leg Raise in External Rotation Test
  • Thomas Maneuver Test
  • Thomas Test
  • Thomas Test in External Rotation
  • Thomas Test in Internal Rotation
  • Trendelenburg Test


  • ABDuction Inferior Instability Test
  • Acromioclavicular Joint Differential Test
  • Acromioclavicular Joint Palpation Tenderness Test
  • Active Compression Test
  • Adduction Stress Test
  • Anterior Apprehension Test
  • Anterior Drawer Test for Shoulder
  • Anterior Shoulder Jerk Test
  • Anterior Slide Test
  • Apprehension Test
  • Bear Hug Test
  • Belly Press Test
  • Belly-Off Sign
  • Biceps Load Test
  • Biceps Load Test II
  • Biceps Tendon Palpation
  • Biceps Tension Test
  • Bicipital Groove Pain Test
  • Buchberger Test
  • Clunk Test
  • Compression Rotation Test
  • Crank Test
  • Cross Over Test
  • Drop Arm Test
  • Dropping Sign Test
  • Dynamic Labral Shear Test
  • ERLS Test
  • Empty Can Test
  • External Rotation Lag Sign Test
  • Flexion-Adduction Test
  • Forced Shoulder ABDuction and Flexion Test
  • Full Can Test
  • Gilcrest Test
  • Hawkins Test
  • Hawkins-Kennedy
  • Horizontal Adduction Test
  • Hornblower's Sign Test
  • Hourglass Biceps Test
  • HyperABDuction Test
  • IRLS Test
  • Infraspinatus Muscle Strength Test
  • Instability Test Cluster
  • Internal Rotation Lag Sign Test
  • Internal Rotation Resisted Strength Test
  • Jahnke Test
  • Jerk Test
  • Jobe Relocation
  • Jobe Sign Test
  • Jobe Test
  • Kennedy Test
  • Kibler Test
  • Kim Test
  • Lift-off Test
  • Load and Shift Test Anterior Sitting
  • Load and Shift Test Anterior Supine
  • Load and Shift Test Posterior Sitting
  • Load and Shift Test Posterior Supine
  • Modified Dynamic Labral Shear Test
  • Modified Scapular Assistance Test
  • Napoleon Sign
  • Neer Test
  • New SLAP Test
  • O'Brien's Test
  • Pain Provocation Test
  • Painful Arc Test
  • Painful Jerk Test
  • Palm-up Test
  • Patte Test
  • Paxinos Sign Test
  • Piano Key Sign at Acromioclavicular Joint
  • Posterior Impingement Test
  • Relocation Test
  • Rent Sign Test
  • Resisted Isometric ABDuction Test
  • Resisted Isometric External Rotation Test
  • Resisted Supination External Rotation Test
  • SLAPprehension Test
  • Speed Test
  • Sulcus Sign Test
  • Supine Flexion Resistance Test
  • Supine Impingement Test
  • Supraspinatus Test
  • Surprise Test
  • Test Cluster For Rotator Cuff Tears
  • Transdeltoid Palpation
  • Upper Cut Test
  • Whipple Test
  • Yergason Test
  • Yocum Test


  • Active Floor Push-up Sign Test
  • Chair Sign Test
  • Cozen's Test
  • Elbow Flexion Test
  • Flexion Compression Test for Elbow
  • Golfer's Elbow Test
  • Lateral Pivot-Shift Apprehension Test
  • Lateral Pivot-Shift Test
  • Milking Maneuver Test
  • Pivot Shift for Elbow Test
  • Postero-lateral Rotatory Apprehension Test
  • Postero-lateral Rotatory Drawer Test
  • Postero-lateral Rotatory Instability Test
  • Pressure Provocation Test for Elbow
  • Pronator Compression Test
  • Scratch Collapse Test at Elbow
  • Table Top Relocation Test
  • Tinnel's Sign at the Elbow
  • Ulnar Nerve Palpation Test
  • Valgus Stress Test for Elbow
  • Varus Stress Test for Elbow


  • Accessory Motion Testing Carpal Joints
  • Allen Test
  • Boyes Test
  • CMC Grind Test
  • Carpal Compression Test
  • Carpal Tunnel Compression Test
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Test Cluster
  • DRUJ Ballotment Test
  • Dorsal Capitate Displacement Apprehension Test
  • Elson Test
  • Extensor Hood Rupture Test
  • Finger Extension Test
  • Finger Flexion Sign Test
  • Finkelstein Test
  • Flick Sign
  • Froments Sign Test
  • Hand Elevation Test
  • Hand Volume Test
  • Jeanne's Sign Test
  • Linburg's Sign Test
  • Linscheid Test
  • Lunotriquetral Ballottement Test
  • Lunotriquetral Compression Test
  • Lunotriquetral Shear Test
  • MCCT
  • Manual Carpal Compression Test
  • Mishra's Test I
  • Mishra's Test II
  • Modified Carpal Compression Test
  • Modified Phalen's Test
  • Ninhydrin Sweat Test
  • Phalen's Test
  • Physical Evaluation in Acute Wrist Trauma
  • Piano Keys Test
  • Pisotriquetral Grinding Test
  • Prayer Test
  • Pressure Provocative Test
  • Pressure Test
  • Reagan's Test
  • Reverse Phalen's Test
  • Scaphoid Shift Test
  • Scaphoid Stress Test
  • Schaeffer's Test
  • Scratch Collapse Test at Wrist
  • Shrivel Test
  • Shuck Test
  • Sitting Hands Test
  • Supination Lift Test
  • Test for Gamekeeper's Thumb
  • Test for Skier's Thumb
  • Thenar Eminence Sensation Test
  • Thompson's Test for Palmaris Longus
  • Thumb UCL Laxity Test
  • Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Instability Test
  • Tinel's Sign at the Wrist
  • Two Finger Sign Test
  • Ulnar Carpal Stress Test
  • Ulnar Fovea Sign
  • Watson Test
  • Wrinkle Test
  • Wrist Flexion Test
  • Wrist Flexion and Median Nerve Compression Test


  • Achilles Tendon Palpation Test
  • Anterior Drawer Test for Ankle
  • Calf Squeeze Test
  • Copeland Test
  • Crossed-Leg Test
  • Dimple Sign Test
  • Distal Tibiofibular Compression Test
  • Dorsiflexion Compression Test
  • Dorsiflexion Maneuver Test
  • External Rotation Stress Test
  • Figure-8 Measurement Test
  • Heel Thump Test
  • Inversion Stress Test
  • Kleiger Test
  • Matles Test
  • Navicular Drop Test
  • Needle Test for Achilles Tendon
  • O'Brien's Test for Achilles Tendon
  • Ottawa Ankle Rules
  • Ottawa Foot Rules
  • Painful Arc Sign
  • Patla Tibialis Posterior Length Test
  • Peroneal Tendon Dislocation Test
  • Point Test
  • Prone Anterior Drawer Test
  • Royal London Hospital Test
  • Sign for Achilles Tendon Rupture
  • Simmonds Test
  • Simmonds-Thompson Test
  • Squeeze Test of the Leg
  • Standing Heel-Rise Test
  • Suction Sign
  • Swing Test for Posterior Tibiotalar Subluxation
  • Talar Tilt Test
  • Tenderness Length Test
  • Thompson's Test
  • Tibial Torsion Prone Test
  • Visual Rating of Forefoot Alignment


  • Adson's Test
  • Aspinall Test
  • Babinski Sign Test
  • Brachial Plexus Compression Test
  • Cervical Deep Tendon Reflexes
  • Cervical Radiculopathy Test Cluster
  • Cervical Traction Test Cluster
  • Clonus of the Ankle Test
  • Distraction Test
  • Foraminal Compression Test
  • Hand Withdrawal Reflex Test
  • Hoffmann's Sign Test
  • Inverted Supinator Test
  • Jackson's Sign Test
  • L'hermitte's Sign Test
  • Lateral Displacement Test
  • Manual Examination for Symptomatic Zygoapophyseal Joint
  • Manual Muscle Test (Motor Testing)
  • Myelopathy Test Cluster
  • Neck Compression Test
  • Neck Flexor Endurance Test
  • Neck Hyperextension Test
  • Palpation Cervical Segmental Mobility
  • Passive Intervertebral Movement for Cervical Instability
  • Prolonged Jugular Compression Test
  • Sharp-Purser Test
  • Shoulder Abduction Test
  • Spurlings A Test
  • Spurlings B Test
  • Spurlings Test
  • Suprapatellar Quadriceps Test
  • Tinel's Sign for Brachial Plexus Test
  • ULTT A Test
  • ULTT B Test
  • Upper Cervical Flexion Test
  • Upper Limb Tension Test A
  • Upper Limb Tension Test B
  • Valsalva Test


  • ACP Low Back Pain Guidelines
  • Active Hip ABDuction Test
  • Active Straight Leg Raise Test
  • Bechterewis Test
  • Beevor's Sign Test
  • Bicycle Test
  • Bowstring Test
  • Brudzinksi-Kernig Test
  • Brudzinski Test
  • Cram Test
  • Cross Straight Leg Raise Test
  • Crossed Femoral Stretching Test
  • Femoral Nerve Traction Test
  • Flip Test
  • Gaenslen's Test
  • Gluteal Skyline Test
  • Hip Extension Test
  • Hoover Test
  • Kernig Test
  • Knee Flexion Test
  • Lasegue's Test
  • Lower Extremity Sensory Dermatomes
  • Lumbar Instability Test Cluster
  • Lumbar Manipulation Test Cluster
  • Lumbar Traction Test Cluster
  • Menell's Test
  • Milgram's Test
  • Modified Straight Leg Raise Test
  • Modified Trendelenburg Test
  • One-leg Standing Lumbar Extension Test
  • Oppenheim Test
  • PIT Test
  • Palpation Assessment Lumbopelvic Alignment
  • Passive Accessory Intervertebral Motion Testing (PAIVM)
  • Passive Physiological Intervertebral Motion (PPIVM)
  • Pelvic Fracture - Clinical Examination
  • Pelvic Spring Test
  • Popliteal Pressure Sign
  • Posterior Lumbar Spine Instability Test
  • Posterior Pelvic Pain Provocation Test
  • Posterior Shear Test
  • Prone Instability Test
  • Prone Knee Bend Test
  • Prone Leg Extension Test
  • Provocation Pubic Symphysis Test
  • Provocation of Long Dorsal Sacroiliac Ligament Test
  • Sacral Thrust Test
  • Sacroiliac Compression Test
  • Sacroiliac Distraction Test
  • Sacroiliac Provocation Test Cluster
  • Sciatic Palpation
  • Seated Straight Leg Raise Test
  • Separation Test
  • Sign of the Buttock Test
  • Single-limb Stance Test
  • Slump Test
  • Specific Exercise Test Cluster
  • Spring Test for Mobility
  • Spring Test for Pain
  • Stoop Test
  • Stork Test
  • Straight Leg Raise Test
  • Thigh Thrust Test
  • Treadmill Test
  • Trendelenburg Test
  • Unilateral Pelvic Lift Test

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