Long-Term &
Post-Acute Care

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Long-Term & Post-Acute Care

The all-in-one professional development solution to engage
your workforce and improve resident care.

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Empira partners with MedBridge

Empira partners with MedBridge to provide the 4 course Fall Prevention and 2 course Restorative Sleep series.

Empira Falls Series: Introduction to Root Cause Analysis
Sue Ann Guildermann
Empira Falls Series: Applying Root Cause Analysis to Falls
Sue Ann Guildermann
Empira Falls Series: Causation of Resident Falls
Sue Ann Guildermann
Empira Falls Series: Falls Solutions & Interventions
Sue Ann Guildermann
Empira Restorative Sleep Series: Sleep Matters
Sue Ann Guildermann
Empira Restorative Sleep Series: Make The Difference Of Night and Day
Sue Ann Guildermann

Jeri Lundgren partners with MedBridge

Jeri Lundgren partners with MedBridge to provide education and resident engagement tools for skilled nursing and long term care.

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Long-Term & Post-Acute Care

The all-in-one professional development solution to engage
your workforce and improve resident care.

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LindaShell.com partners with MedBridge

Linda Shell partners with MedBridge to provide education and resident engagement tools for skilled nursing and long term care.

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Discovering Your Leadership DNA
Innovative Curve Chart

Improve Consistency of Care Across your Organization

Nurses & Nursing Assistants


Non-Clinical Staff

Elevate Quality of Care and Improve Clinical & Financial Outcomes

Access the professional development, resident engagement, and reporting tools that you need to achieve your organization’s financial and quality initiatives.

Engage your workforce & reduce staff turnover

Provide industry-leading education through a robust Learning Management System, featuring:

  • Recruitment and employee onboarding
  • Mentorship, residency, and advanced clinical training
  • Leadership development
  • Clinical deep-dive and specialty series

Meet regulatory requirements

Manage and track regulatory and compliance training to meet requirements and protect your organization.

  • Interactive, online compliance training
  • Competency management to exceed accreditation standards
  • Assign, track, and report on mandatory training

Improve quality & reduce readmissions

Remedy gaps in performance to address readmissions, quality ratings, and 5-star ratings through:

  • Evidence-based programs on topics such as wound care, prevention, and dementia
  • Transitions of Care and Readmissions Certificate Program
  • Advanced Certification Prep Programs

Explore Courses by Specialty

Empira Restorative Sleep Series: Sleep Matters

Presented by Sarah Brown, RN, LNHA, BS

Empira Restorative Sleep Series: Sleep Matters

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This course is Part One of a two-part series of the Empira Restorative Sleep Series. Empira is a Minnesota consortium of service providers specializing in aging services, who created a successful Restorative Sleep program in the long-term care setting by identifying sleep fragmentation as a primary contributor to some of the most challenging issues for those who provide and receive care in long-term care or inpatient settings. This course will highlight current practices that contribute to poor sleep and why it is so important to create a culture of restorative sleep.

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Empira Falls Series: Applying Root Cause Analysis to Falls

Presented by Sue Ann Guildermann, RN, BA, MA

Empira Falls Series: Applying Root Cause Analysis to Falls

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This course is part 2 of a 4 part series of the Empira Fall Module. Empira is a consortium of Aging Service providers in Minnesota who created a successful Falls program for the long term care setting based on Root Cause Analysis (RCA). This course provides all staff in skilled nursing facilities with application of RCA to falls management and prevention.

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Assessment and Documentation of Pressure Injuries

Presented by Jeri Lundgren, RN, BSN, PHN, CWS, CWCN, CPT

Assessment and Documentation of Pressure Injuries

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Accurate assessment of a pressure injury is important, as it is the foundation to determine and evaluate the course of treatment. This course will provide you with the information needed to complete a comprehensive assessment of a pressure injury. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) pressure injury definitions and staging system will be discussed, as well as wound measurement, wound base description, peri-wound, drainage, odor, tunneling, undermining, and pain assessment. You will also have an opportunity to practice staging, measuring, and describing a pressure injury.

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Continence Care Part 1: Introduction for Practice Improvement

Presented by Christine Cave, DNP, FNP, MSN, RN, CRRN, CEP

Continence Care Part 1: Introduction for Practice Improvement

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Video Runtime: 43 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 17 Minutes

This course provides an overview of the evidence-based approach used to improve bowel and bladder management in rehabilitation settings. This is the first of a five-course series and will identify the fundamental components needed to improve the current practice of rehabilitation nursing care of bowel and bladder dysfunction. These components include a rich understanding of the process of evidence-based practice in the specialty setting of acute rehabilitation using the Competency Model for the Professional Rehabilitation Nurse (Vaughn, et al., 2013). The purpose and use of informal leaders in rehabilitation units and how to promote the role of Continence Champions is addressed. Additional components include policies, procedures, resources, and administrative support needed to establish and sustain a team approach to promoting continence care in rehabilitation settings.

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Transitions of Care: Heart Failure Part 1

Presented by Cathy Wollman, DNP, RN, GNP-BC, CRNP

Transitions of Care: Heart Failure Part 1

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This course features an interactive case study. For the best experience, please watch this course on a desktop or laptop computer.

This course will focus on specific interventions required to improve outcomes for skilled nursing facility (SNF) residents with heart failure (HF). HF is the chronic condition that has the highest incidence of readmission to acute care. Residents admitted with HF will have multiple high risk criteria and require staff with advanced knowledge of HF to provide quality care. This course will focus on the definition, pathophysiology, and evidence-based care of residents with HF. Nursing staff will learn the essentials of comprehensive assessment of residents with HF, interpret clinical data transferred from the hospital setting, and use critical thinking to safely manage these residents. Individual roles of the interprofessional team will be examined, as each discipline is necessary to support a quality plan of care. The course will conclude with a case study of a complex resident with heart failure.

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Transitions of Care: Diabetes

Presented by Rose Flinchum, MSEd, MS, RN, ACNS-BC, BC-ADM, CDE and Constance Sheets, DNP, RN, GCNS-BC

Transitions of Care: Diabetes

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This course features an interactive case study. For the best experience, please watch this course on a desktop or laptop computer.

Diabetes has now reached pandemic proportions. Hospitalization expenditures for the disease have been quoted at $176 billion annually (Enomoto. Shrestha, Rosenthal, Hollenbeak & Gabby, 2017). The prevalence of diabetes increases with age, reaching 25.2% in those 65 and older (American Diabetes Association, 2015). Elders living in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) are at an increased risk of developing acute and chronic complications related to diabetes. Comorbidities affect and are affected by diabetes, rendering it a complex problem in which nurses will need to personalize residents' care and establish achievable goals to prevent complications that lead to readmission. Due to the significant disease burden, this course will provide nurses with an overview of pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, general diabetic management and care, assessment for the development of complications, and interventions nurses can provide to prevent readmissions.

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Post-Stroke Resources and Community Reintegration

Presented by Michelle Camicia, PhD, RN, CRRN, CCM, NEA-BC, FARN, FAHA, FAAN and Barbara Lutz, PhD, RN, CRRN, APHN-BC, FAHA, FNAP, FAAN

Post-Stroke Resources and Community Reintegration

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Video Runtime: 77 Minutes; Learning Assessment Runtime: 45 Minutes

Transitioning home and adapting to life after stroke is often difficult for stroke survivors and their family caregivers. Successful recovery and community reintegration is dependent on stroke survivors and their family members being able to adapt to the post-stroke changes in their lives. They often do not have working knowledge of community- or web-based resources that may be available to help them adjust to new limitations and changes in roles and responsibilities. Members of the interprofessional team can facilitate post-discharge adaptation by anticipating the needs of the stroke survivor and family members and linking them to the most appropriate resources. This course focuses on describing the post-discharge needs of stroke survivors and their family caregivers, assessing post-discharge needs, and identifying resources that can facilitate recovery and successful community reintegration post-stroke. Examples of community- and web-based resources are provided.

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Nursing Management of Dementia: Alzheimer's Disease Prevention

Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC

Nursing Management of Dementia: Alzheimer's Disease Prevention

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Video Runtime: 57 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 14 Minutes

Nurses caring for older adults should develop an understanding of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and the current research findings which may help prevent, or at least slow, the disease. Alzheimer's disease affects many older adults, and this population will explode as the baby boomer generation grays. This presentation series will discuss the basic stages of Alzheimer's disease and present strategies to prevent the disease as well as ways to slow the progression of the dementia. The presenter will review the findings of research, which have supported a healthy-brain lifestyle, including diet, supplements, and exercise strategies to minimize risk factors.

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Overview of Psychosocial Issues in the Rehabilitation Setting

Presented by Julie Brandy, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, CNE

Overview of Psychosocial Issues in the Rehabilitation Setting

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The powerful relationship between an individual's physical wellbeing and his/her emotional wellbeing has been clearly described. Addressing both aspects of care should be a priority for all healthcare providers working with patients in the rehabilitation setting. This course will provide an overview of psychosocial issues in the rehabilitation setting, a theoretical examination of stress and coping, an in-depth look at depression and anxiety in rehabilitation patients, as well as information on mindfulness interventions that can be utilized by all healthcare professionals.

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Optimizing Coping and Stress Management Skills for Patients and Caregivers

Presented by Gail Sims, MSN, RN, CRRN

Optimizing Coping and Stress Management Skills for Patients and Caregivers

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Video Runtime: 49 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 46 Minutes

This course is part of our CRRN(R) Prep-Program. Learn more about the full prep-program here: MedBridge CRRN(R) Prep-Program.

Effective coping strategies and stress management are essential survival skills for patients and their caregivers. The rehabilitation nurse must assess each individual's ability to cope with catastrophic changes, access resources to facilitate effective coping strategies, and evaluate the impact of accessing resources. The pathophysiology of the stress response, strategies theories of coping, adjustment and self-management, and stages of grief and loss will be reviewed. Strategies for stress reduction and positive coping in rehabilitation situations will be evaluated using the nursing process.

CRRN(R) is a registered trademark of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

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Minimizing the Use of Antipsychotics in Long-Term Care

Presented by Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP

Minimizing the Use of Antipsychotics in Long-Term Care

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Antipsychotic medications have been widely used to manage behavioral symptoms among older adults with dementia. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have launched a policy initiative to decrease the inappropriate use of antipsychotics in long-term care settings due to minimal effectiveness and risks associated with their use. Antipsychotic use now affects nursing homes' five-star quality rating score. This session will describe the appropriate use of antipsychotics and help nurses to monitor for potential side effects of these medications. Additionally, common challenges and practical solutions for antipsychotic reduction in long-term care settings will be discussed.

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What Do I Say When My Patient Asks Me About Sex?

Presented by Donald Kautz, MSN, RN, CRRN

What Do I Say When My Patient Asks Me About Sex?

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This course is designed for therapists (physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, recreational therapists) and nurses to help when patients and/or patients' loved ones ask you questions about their sexual function. The focus of this course is on patients who are living at home, but the information can be used for patients who are in acute, long-term, and other inpatient rehabilitation settings. This course will provide detailed information for the provider about common sexual and intimacy problems that patients experience, how to appropriately respond to questions, and how to find reliable patient information to give to patients and those they love.

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SurThriveLeadership: Becoming a SurTHRIVELeader

Presented by Linda M. Shell, DNP, MA, BSN, RN, DNS-CT

SurThriveLeadership: Becoming a SurTHRIVELeader

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Video Runtime: 100 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 39 Minutes

The health care environment is rapidly changing, resulting in a challenging and tumultuous work environment. To navigate the ever-changing landscape, leaders must be resilient, allowing for flexibility and adaptability to new ideas and innovative approaches. Leaders must develop the skills for influencing others and engaging them in the change process. Research demonstrates a correlation between improved quality, increased customer satisfaction, and employee engagement when leaders demonstrate resilient characteristics. Resilient leaders are resistant to burnout, experience less stress, and exhibit overall better health. This course will provide participants with specific actions they can take to build resilience and become a SurTHRIVELeader. It also includes tips on helping teams enhance their resiliency.

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SurThriveLeadership: Discovering Your Leadership DNA

Presented by Linda M. Shell, DNP, MA, BSN, RN, DNS-CT

SurThriveLeadership: Discovering Your Leadership DNA

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Video Runtime: 99 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 34 Minutes

"Leadership starts at the top" is a common theme heard particularly during challenging times, reflecting the critical role a leader plays in creating a positive work environment. To be effective, leaders must start with a realistic portraiture of their leadership style, including strengths, gaps, knowledge, and experience. This strengths-based approach helps leaders see themselves and others as they really are. Ancient wisdom tells us to love others as we love ourselves. This simply means that leaders must be able to embrace their own unique leadership DNA and learn to build on it. By maximizing one's innate talent, a leader can have an impact through positive, powerful contributions.

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SurThriveLeadership: Increasing Emotional Intelligence

Presented by Linda M. Shell, DNP, MA, BSN, RN, DNS-CT

SurThriveLeadership: Increasing Emotional Intelligence

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Video Runtime: 70 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 48 Minutes

The personality of a leader is formed through development of intellectual quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ), or emotional intelligence (EI). IQ is stable by adulthood but EQ is always in process. EQ impacts decision-making and behavior, thereby providing growth opportunities for development of leadership skills. Research indicates the most successful leaders are not those with a high level of intellect, but rather those with high levels of EQ. According to Goleman (2002), the four domains of EQ are: self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship building. These domains enable a leader to generate optimism, build trust, inspire others, and inspire an environment of collaboration.

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SurThriveLeadership: Engaging and Inspiring Others

Presented by Linda M. Shell, DNP, MA, BSN, RN, DNS-CT

SurThriveLeadership: Engaging and Inspiring Others

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Video Runtime: 93 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 50 Minutes

It is essential that leaders understand the role of leading others, since without followers, there is no leadership. The workforce of today is very different from that of previous generations and demands a higher level of leader. Leaders must be adaptable, flexible, passionate, and collaborative. Employees want to be actively engaged in every aspect of the work. Communication skills and conflict management are essential to the leadership role. This course focuses on the role of the leader in building trust, understanding generational differences, conflict management, coaching for development, and communication.

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The Role of the Infection Preventionist in Long-Term Care

Presented by Shelley Bhola, RN, GERO-BC, BSN, PHN, MSN, CIC

The Role of the Infection Preventionist in Long-Term Care

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The role of the Infection Preventionist (IP) in the long-term care setting is not yet defined. However, what has been defined needs to be included in an active infection prevention program. Understanding what facilities must do to comply with F880 will underscore the importance this position will have as part of the interdisciplinary team. As long-term care moves forward in the area of infection prevention, the industry will need the support of a qualified, knowledgeable advocate to bring infection prevention to life.

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The Big Picture: Prevention of Health Care Acquired Infections

Presented by Kathleen Vollman, MSN, RN, CCNS, FCCM, FAAN

The Big Picture: Prevention of Health Care Acquired Infections

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According to a recent national survey, an estimated 722,000 health-care-acquired infections (HAI) occur in hospitals annually. Approximately 75,000 deaths occur yearly, with one out of every 25 patients developing an HAI during hospitalization. The estimated cost for these preventable injuries is $45 billion. If you develop an HAI, your risk for readmission increases to 27 days versus 59 days. This course will outline the problem and address global source control strategies used in preventing the invasion or halting the spread of microorganisms. This course content is applicable to nurses and other health care professionals who work with patients in acute care, rehabilitation, and long-term care settings.

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Overview of Regulations for Post-Acute Rehabilitation Settings

Presented by Michelle Camicia, PhD, RN, CRRN, CCM, NEA-BC, FARN, FAHA, FAAN

Overview of Regulations for Post-Acute Rehabilitation Settings

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Video Runtime: 52 Minutes

This course gives students an overview of post-acute care (inpatient rehabilitation, skilled nursing, home health agency) regulations in the U.S. and how they impact care delivery. Specific federal regulations and payment policy are presented. Participants will learn to identify how their practice is influenced by regulations. A brief review of the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care (IMPACT) Act of 2014 will be presented. Emerging regulations that may impact rehabilitation are also discussed. This course is appropriate for rehabilitation professionals working in any setting but particularly targets those in inpatient rehabilitation, skilled nursing, and home health care.

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Nursing Management of Dementia: Overview

Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC

Nursing Management of Dementia: Overview

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Video Runtime: 56 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 15 Minutes

Studies show that nurses and other caregivers who are specifically trained in caring for older adults with dementia are able to improve the quality of life for these individuals, are more productive, and have greater job satisfaction. Caregivers must be prepared to manage the challenging behaviors which are common among individuals who are suffering from dementia. There are marked psychiatric and behavioral problems which occur in individuals who have a weak perception of reality and who experience memory loss as well as delusions or hallucinations. This course describes the role of the geriatric nurse within the interprofessional team and offers strategies to identify and manage common problems that occur.

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Exceptional outcomes begin with exceptional education.

MedBridge has partnered with industry experts to design professional development and patient engagement solutions specifically for Long-Term Care providers & caregivers.

  • Leadership & Soft Skills
  • Fall Prevention
  • Wound Care Management
  • Dementia Care
  • Transitions of Care
  • Infection Control
  • Regulatory/Compliance
  • Sleep
  • Neurologic Conditions
  • Cardiopulmonary Care
  • Pain Management
  • End of Life Care
Nursing Devices

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MedBridge partners with the top instructors from around the world to bring the highest quality education to you, without the cost and time associated with live courses.

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Patient & Resident Engagement

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