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    24 Courses

Kim Corral


Kim is a registered nurse with a master's degree in education and more than 30 years of home health experience. She is an experienced leader in home health care, having held both clinical and operational positions at regional and national levels for large corporate home health organizations. She brings a passion for providing the clinical voice of quality while increasing efficiencies. She has extensive experience speaking for state home care associations, national home care organizations, and local home care organizations on regulatory compliance, successful strategies for clinical/operational success, OASIS data collection and strategies, quality outcome improvement, developing successful QAPI programs, documentation standards, and operational processes to support OASIS and ICD-10 accuracy.

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Courses with Kim Corral

Browse Course Catalog

HHA: Wound Care

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C

HHA: Wound Care

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Video Runtime: 15 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 8 Minutes

Wounds are unfortunately very common, particularly in older patients. Patients with wounds are at greater risk of infection, which can lead to other serious health problems. As a home health aide, you may be asked to provide personal care to patients who have wounds. This course provides a simple definition of wounds, defines types of wound healing and factors that impact wound healing, and discusses the role the aide plays in supporting wound healing. Documentation and reporting strategies are demonstrated related to changes in the skin that the aide may recognize.

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HHA: Pressure Injury Care

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C

HHA: Pressure Injury Care

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Video Runtime: 19 Minutes, Learning Assessments: 8 Minutes

Pressure injuries are a serious health problem for many people and affect more than one million Americans, primarily those over 65 years old. As a home health aide, you may be asked to provide personal care to patients who have pressure injuries. This course will provide information to support your increased knowledge and ability in delivering safe care to patients with pressure injuries. This course will define pressure injuries and discuss symptoms and characteristics, goals of care, personal and safety care considerations, and strategies for documentation and reporting.

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HHA: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C

HHA: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Video Runtime: 23 Minutes

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of long-term lung diseases that obstruct airflow. COPD is a leading cause of death in the United States, affecting 16 million Americans, and many more who have this disease are undiagnosed. Home health and hospice aides can play a crucial role in helping to keep patients out of the hospital by identifying early signs of exacerbation and reporting them to the skilled nurse, therapist, or supervisor. Observation of activities, diet, respiratory status, and signs of fever will be of utmost importance in the care of these chronically ill individuals.

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HHA: Elder Abuse and Neglect

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C

HHA: Elder Abuse and Neglect

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Video Runtime: 24 Minutes

As a home health aide, you play an important role in recognizing signs of suspected abuse in the patients you care for. Recognizing, reporting, and documenting the suspected abuse is essential to maintaining patient safety and will be discussed within the scope of the home health aide role. This course defines different abuse situations that the aide may encounter during home visits and demonstrates what the home health aide should do when suspected abuse is identified, as well as strategies for providing safe care delivery to patients who are known to be victims of abuse.

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HHA: Diabetes Mellitus Care

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C

HHA: Diabetes Mellitus Care

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Video Runtime: 20 Minutes

Approximately 16 million adults in the United States live with diabetes. The condition of diabetes can affect every organ in the body, and it is important for the home health aide to understand the symptoms to look for when caring for the patient with diabetes. This course will define the two types of diabetes--type 1 and type 2--and discuss the causes and frequently seen symptoms of each. Since foot care is an important task provided within the scope of the aide role, a demonstration of proper foot care for the patient with diabetes is provided. Goals for care and patient safety are discussed. A demonstration of recognizing and reporting changes in conditions for patients with diabetes is also presented to further support observation and reporting strategies.

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HHA: Heart Failure Care

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C

HHA: Heart Failure Care

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Video Runtime: 17 Minutes

Heart failure is a serious condition that affects approximately 5 million adults in the United States. As a home health aide, you may care for many patients with heart failure. This course explains the condition of heart failure and how it may affect the body. Home health aide goals for providing safe care are discussed, as well as how to observe for changes in the patient condition. Reporting details are provided regarding who the home health aide should contact and when, as well as what should be documented pertaining to the patient with heart failure.

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Making a Successful Transition From Clinician to Manager

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Making a Successful Transition From Clinician to Manager

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Video Runtime: 33 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 24 Minutes

Making a successful transition from clinician to manager can be fraught with concerns and missteps. Understanding the transition from peer/coworker/colleague to manager brings a new level of skills needed for success. This fundamental course takes the position that clinicians can make this transition with guidance, support, and a great orientation/onboarding experience. What, then, does this information look like in action? This course seeks to identify some of the common concerns, address some of the important roles and responsibilities, and provide an example and key strategies to help make this transition successful for both the new manager and the organization. This is the first course in a four-part series on clinical management and supervision. Please continue to Introduction to Clinical Management and Supervision upon completion.

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Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision

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Video Runtime: 52 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 24 Minutes

This course addresses the important and multifaceted roles that comprise the clinical manager or supervisor. Though the terms, titles, and purview may vary from organization to organization, there is a discrete set of skills that can help the clinical supervisor (CS) be successful in this role. Whether supervising aides, a group of patients and their care plans, or other care models, the CS plays a pivotal role that helps achieve the organization's mission, as well as quality, safety, and any number of metrics. The skills needed--effective communication, role-play, and coaching and counseling for success--will be addressed. These skills will help you become proficient in your role--that of the clinician supervisor. This is the third course in a four-part series on clinical management and supervision. Please continue to the fourth course Essential Elements of Clinical Supervision upon completion.

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Preparing Family Caregivers Part 2: Education in Home Care & Hospice

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Preparing Family Caregivers Part 2: Education in Home Care & Hospice

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Video Runtime: 20 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 6 Minutes

Home care and hospice team members must rely on family, friends, or other lay caregivers to help patients throughout the plan of care. Sometimes it is easy to assume that these key members of the health care team already understand the health care environment and its complexity. It is important to assume at the onset of care that they may not. With this in mind, this foundational course helps team members work with family caregivers to improve knowledge and care. Safety and quality are addressed, as well as care between and after visits.

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Introduction to Clinical Management and Supervision

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Introduction to Clinical Management and Supervision

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Video Runtime: 40 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 23 Minutes

Understanding the transition from peer/coworker/colleague to manager brings a new level of skills needed for success. This course takes the position that clinicians can make this transition with guidance, support, and a great orientation/onboarding experience. What, then, does this information look like in action? In this course, we will identify common concerns, and address the important roles and responsibilities of the new manager, providing examples and key strategies to help make this transition successful for both the new manager and the organization. This course is a continuation from Making a Successful Transition From Clinician to Manager and the second course in a four-part series on clinical management and supervision. Please take the third course Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision upon completion.

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Essential Elements of Clinical Supervision

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Essential Elements of Clinical Supervision

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Video Runtime: 51 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 24 Minutes

This course addresses the important and multifaceted roles that comprise the clinical manager or supervisor. Though the terms, titles and purview may vary from organization to organization, there is a discrete set of skills that can help the clinical supervisor (CS) be successful in this role. Whether supervising aides, a group of patients and their care plans, or other care models, the CS plays a pivotal role that helps achieve the organizations mission, as well as quality, safety and any number of metrics. The skills needed, effective communications, role playing and coaching and counseling for success will be addressed. Help your team members become proficient in their role--that of the clinician supervisor. This course is a continuation from Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision and the fourth course in a four-part series on clinical management and supervision.

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Comprehensive Home Care Assessment Part 1: Key Elements & Requirements

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Comprehensive Home Care Assessment Part 1: Key Elements & Requirements

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Video Runtime: 24 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 5 Minutes

No encounter or visit is as important as the first visits that comprise the comprehensive assessment in home care. The comprehensive assessment is the driver for all patient care and related planning in home care. This foundational course presents a holistic review of the Medicare comprehensive assessment requirements as defined by the Medicare Conditions of Participation 484.55. This information can be integrated into your organization's operational processes related to patient assessment and care planning. An interactive patient example will be featured, with lessons learned, and areas of improvement will be demonstrated.

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Comprehensive Home Care Assessment Part 2: Data Review & Care Planning

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Comprehensive Home Care Assessment Part 2: Data Review & Care Planning

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Video Runtime: 43 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 6 Minutes

This course continues the comprehensive assessment, which comprises the building blocks for effective care and care planning. Effective assessment skills, such as active listening, observation and assessment, critical thinking, and other strategies for success, are integrated into this foundational course.

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Preparing Family Caregivers Part 1: Roles in Home Care & Hospice

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Preparing Family Caregivers Part 1: Roles in Home Care & Hospice

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Video Runtime: 32 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 6 Minutes

Home care and hospice team members must rely on family, friends, or other lay caregivers to help patients throughout the plan of care. Sometimes it is easy to assume that these key members of the health care team already understand the health care environment and its complexity. It is important to assume at the onset of care that they may not. With this in mind, this foundational course helps team members work with family caregivers to improve knowledge and care. Safety and quality are addressed, as well as care between and after visits. A patient and family exemplar will be featured, patient and family perspectives will be examined with lessons learned, and reflection activities for improvement will be explored.

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Writing for Professional Publication

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Writing for Professional Publication

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Video Runtime: 66.5 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 17 Minutes

Writing can be a daunting chore or a pleasure-it all depends on the skill set; this shows most clearly when it is time to start thinking and writing/typing in the words! There are a number of reasons to write (and sometimes as many not to write). This foundational course reviews the reasons to consider writing, the barriers to writing success, and some of the practical nuts, bolts, and pitfalls. Created by an experienced book and journal author and editor, information includes reasons to write, picking a topic, understanding the journal and book worlds, working with editors, navigating peer review, and how to turn your idea into a successful manuscript. Join us on the path to making an impact on quality in health care--through effective polished writing and successful publication.

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Presentations Part 1: Development, Strategies and Tips for Success

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Presentations Part 1: Development, Strategies and Tips for Success

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Video Runtime: 59 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 26 Minutes

This course is part 1 of a two-part series and is designed to assist those new to developing, implementing, and evaluating effective professional presentations. Developing presentations is a complex activity that must be planned carefully. At times, this process can be overwhelming as the design, development, and preparation of the presentation typically consumes more time than the delivery of the material. Part 1 of this course will explore the key elements required and strategies for effective development of polished and professional presentations.

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Presentations Part 2: Principles of Learning and Effective Communication

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Presentations Part 2: Principles of Learning and Effective Communication

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Video Runtime: 60 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 18 Minutes

In Part 1 of this program the course provided information on the technical elements of developing effective presentations. In Part 2 the course will continue with the discussion of the softer skill set that is required for YOU as the presenter for effective delivery of presentation material. Chances are if you are checking out this program you are either wanting to improve your current presentation skills or you are new to giving presentations. The topics included in this course are those that can have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of how the message is delivered in any type of presentation. This course includes strategies to support overcoming the fear of public speaking, strategies to support and improve the effectiveness of your communication, as well as a review of adult learning principles. Having an awareness of these topics can increase your comfort level with public speaking and ensure your very important message is delivered effectively.

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What is Case Management in Home Care?

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

What is Case Management in Home Care?

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Video Runtime: 68 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 48 Minutes

The home health industry demands that patient care be provided in an efficient and effective manner. Case management is a strategy which supports this demand. This course defines the concept of case management and discusses the skills and core knowledge concepts required to manage not only individual patient episodes but entire caseloads of patients. Strategies for applying this process to individual patients and caseloads will be discussed with practical examples that can be applied in the care practice setting.

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How to Make an Effective Home Visit

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

How to Make an Effective Home Visit

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Video Runtime: 79 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 31 Minutes

This foundational course addresses the three parts of the patient home visit and information and processes that surround and support effective and holistic home visits. This includes a practical and holistic definition of a home visit, the use of the care planning process through the visit, the patient-related and other activities that occur during a skilled visit, and strategies to document care that was provided during the visit. This course will also explain why having exemplary organizational, clinical, and interpersonal skills is key to making value-based home visits. This is because numerous and complex facets of care, including the patient's goals, the plan of care, physician orders, care team members, the patient's environment, care coordination, and communication, all come together in this structured, person-centered encounter.

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Welcome to Home Care: An Overview

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Welcome to Home Care: An Overview

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Video Runtime: 25 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 18 Minutes

This foundational course offering provides a big picture overview of home care. Home care comprises many models of care delivery systems and types of home care. A brief history of home care, a snapshot of where we are now by the numbers, and the differences between home care and any other health care practice setting are addressed. A holistic and practical definition of home care is also presented. Additionally, this course will also explain why having exemplary clinical, self-motivational, organizational, and people skills is key to success in home care practice and management.

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Orientation: An Overview of Documentation Requirements in Home Care

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Orientation: An Overview of Documentation Requirements in Home Care

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Video Runtime: 59 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 31 Minutes

Today's home care clinicians must have an understanding of the trends, regulations, and other external factors that impact care provided and the documentation surrounding care. Home care is a global term, and home care services can range from solely personal care services (non-medical) to very skilled levels of care with licensed nurses providing care to medically fragile adults and children. Because of this, there are many models and methods of delivering home care. For purposes of this course, we will be focusing primarily on the provision of "visits" as the primary model of home care vs. hourly care. Medicare is the largest payer of home health services, and visits are the usual unit of care delivery. Medicare sets the standards for home care, regardless of the payer. It is for this reason that an overview of documentation requirements is the first course. The differences in documentation requirements for home care versus other settings (e.g., OASIS) will de discussed, and the purposes of documentation, supporting medical necessity, and coverage criteria will also be addressed. This course is designed to provide tangible tools for both clinicians and leadership/management to apply as they improve their processes and practices related to effective documentation in home care.

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Orientation: Care Planning

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Orientation: Care Planning

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Video Runtime: 97 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 52 Minutes

The ability to perform an accurate comprehensive assessment and develop an individualized plan of care for home care patients is the foundation for care delivery in home care. This course will review the steps of the care planning process, a type of problem solving method. A discussion will be provided regarding the application of this process and the value it brings to patient care.

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Orientation Program: Team Member Safety in the Community

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Orientation Program: Team Member Safety in the Community

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Video Runtime: 45 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 33 Minutes

This course addresses the common safety-related factors in the community and home environments. Home care team members can be exposed to a number of potentially serious hazards which range from dangerous pets (eg. biting) to firearms (ie. guns) in homes. Environmental hazards include smoke, needlesticks, unhygienic homes, germs and pathogens, structural house problems, hoarding and many others. This course seeks to identify some of these safety hazards and dangers so that clinicians and managers/leaders can better understand and apply their risk management and safety policies related to such situations and protect their team members.

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Medicare Coverage and Documentation Requirements: The Fundamentals

Presented by Kim Corral, RN, BSN, MA Ed, COS-C and Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN

Medicare Coverage and Documentation Requirements: The Fundamentals

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Video Runtime: 87 Minutes; Learning Assessment Time: 40 Minutes

The value of the clinical documentation that supports the tenets of coverage and quality cannot be overstated. Clinicians and managers/leaders need to proactively describe care and services in the terms detailed in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 7. This, then, is the guidebook when seeking answers, examples, and clarity. This overview describes the fundamentals of Medicare coverage and the associated required documentation to support medical necessity, the individual patient's need for the skilled care and service, and the tenets of the home care program.

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