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Lisa Byrd
Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC, Gerontologist, is an expert in caring for older adults and a seasoned Certified Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, and Geriatric Nurse Practitioner. She treats numerous patients in nursing homes, an outpatient clinic, and hospital inpatient settings.
Courses with Lisa Byrd
Browse Course CatalogCommunication Strategies for Older Adults With Dementia
Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC
Communication Strategies for Older Adults With Dementia
Older age causes changes in communication in all individuals, and dementia causes cognitive changes that also affect communication. This course discusses changes to hearing, speech, and understanding in older adults with dementia.
Keeping the Older Adult With Dementia Socially Engaged
Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC
Keeping the Older Adult With Dementia Socially Engaged
Older patients with dementia will benefit from plans of care that incorporate activities that consider their cognitive abilities. These individuals must also stay socially engaged in order to slow the dementia process and decrease problematic behaviors. This course discusses strategies to meet these needs.
Understanding Gait Issues and Preventing Falls
Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC
Understanding Gait Issues and Preventing Falls
Normal aging changes in older individuals predispose them to falls. Dementia causes more risk factors that lead to increased incidence of falling. This course will review how aging affects gait and balance and leads to more falls, and how dementia causes memory issues and decreased understanding of physical limitations, which cause further problems leading to falls.
Nursing Management of Dementia: Aggression & Sexual Behaviors
Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC
Nursing Management of Dementia: Aggression & Sexual Behaviors
Disruptive behaviors are common among individuals who are suffering from dementia and can be distressing to anyone who must deal with these problems. Everyday tasks and activities become progressively more difficult as a dementia affects an individual's ability to think, remember, and function independently. Dementia can also lead to behavioral and cognitive changes, resulting in aggression and potentially sexually inappropriate behaviors. Nurses must learn to manage these challenging behaviors. This course provides a discussion of dementia and the problematic behaviors which occur as well as strategies to manage aggressive and sexually inappropriate behaviors.
Nursing Management of Dementia: Caregiver Survival & End-of-Life Care
Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC
Nursing Management of Dementia: Caregiver Survival & End-of-Life Care
Dementia is a physical disease which presents itself by changing the patient's cognitive abilities and alters behavior. The disease is a progressive disorder that can cause problematic behaviors, lead to dependence for care, and finally cause death. Nurses must be able to assist families in managing the changes which occur in an older adult with dementia. Strategies to assist families in choosing the direction of care for their family member with dementia will be presented. This presentation will also discuss the stages of dementia, what to expect, and the many ethical issues to consider including end-of-life decisions.
Nursing Management of Dementia: Family Adjustments & Driving Issues
Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC
Nursing Management of Dementia: Family Adjustments & Driving Issues
Dementia of Alzheimer's disease in older adults causes many changes--physically, psychologically, and emotionally. These changes cause personality to be altered and memory issues that affect a person's ability to function independently, including the individual's ability to drive. It also causes role changes within the family. Nurses caring for older adults with dementia must deal with the families and their adjustment to the patients' behaviors, which they will encounter. This course will discuss the emotional issues occurring when a family member receives a diagnosis of dementia, physical changes affecting a person's independence and driving safety, as well as role changes, family conflict, and strategies to manage family conflict.
Nursing Management of Dementia: Eating & Sleep Problems
Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC
Nursing Management of Dementia: Eating & Sleep Problems
Nurses working with older adults with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia must manage the eating and sleep problems encountered in these older adults. This course will review the complexity of the eating process, how dementia affects the ability to eat as well as strategies to enhance and improve the nutritional status of individuals with a diagnosis of dementia. Additionally, the presentation will review the biological processes occurring during normal sleep, the consequences of not getting an adequate amount of REM sleep, triggers that impair an older person's ability to sleep, and ways to increase length/improve the quality of restful sleep are also discussed.
Nursing Management of Dementia: Overview
Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC
Nursing Management of Dementia: Overview
Studies show that nurses and other caregivers who are specifically trained in caring for older adults with dementia are able to improve the quality of life for these individuals, are more productive, and have greater job satisfaction. Caregivers must be prepared to manage the challenging behaviors which are common among individuals who are suffering from dementia. There are marked psychiatric and behavioral problems which occur in individuals who have a weak perception of reality and who experience memory loss as well as delusions or hallucinations. This course describes the role of the geriatric nurse within the interprofessional team and offers strategies to identify and manage common problems that occur.
Nursing Management of Dementia: Alzheimer's Disease Prevention
Presented by Lisa Byrd, PhD, FNP-BC, GNP-BC
Nursing Management of Dementia: Alzheimer's Disease Prevention
Nurses caring for older adults should develop an understanding of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and the current research findings which may help prevent, or at least slow, the disease. Alzheimer's disease affects many older adults, and this population will explode as the baby boomer generation grays. This presentation series will discuss the basic stages of Alzheimer's disease and present strategies to prevent the disease as well as ways to slow the progression of the dementia. The presenter will review the findings of research, which have supported a healthy-brain lifestyle, including diet, supplements, and exercise strategies to minimize risk factors.
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