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Kristen L. Mauk
Dr. Mauk has been a professor of nursing for many years. Prior to moving to Colorado, she served as nursing faculty at a large private university in Indiana for nearly 25 years, holding the first Kreft Endowed Chair for the Advancement of Nursing Science, a position dedicated to gerontological nursing. She earned a BSN from Valparaiso University, an MS in adult health from Purdue University, a PhD from Wayne State University, a post-master's GNP certification from University of Virginia, and a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree from Valparaiso University.
Dr. Mauk has over 40 years of experience in chronic illness nursing, rehabilitation, and gerontological nursing and teaches in these specialties at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. She is certified in rehabilitation and as a gerontological nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist. She has authored or edited 10 books, including three that were recognized with an AJN Book of the Year award. She has served on editorial boards for Rehabilitation Nursing and Geriatric Nursing and has written more than 50 articles and dozens of book chapters. Dr. Mauk is a frequent presenter at conferences at the regional, national, and international levels. She is the cofounder and president of Senior Care Central/International Rehabilitation Consultants, providing educational, clinical, and legal nurse consulting in rehabilitation and senior care in the US and internationally. Dr. Mauk is also a past president of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) and has served ARN in many roles, most significantly on the Council of Leaders, as editor of the fifth edition of the Core Curriculum, as PRN course faculty, on the task force to develop the ARN Professional Rehabilitation Nursing Competency Model, and as editor-in-chief of Rehabilitation Nursing.
Some of Dr. Mauk's recognitions include: CCU Outstanding Nursing Faculty (2019), the Suzanne Smith INANE Mentoring Editors Award (2017), nominee for the National Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching (2016), three AJN Book of the Year awards (2017, 2010, 1999), CASE/Carnegie Indiana Professor of the Year (2007), VU Caterpillar Award for Excellence in Teaching (2007), ARN Educator Role Award (2007), and the ARN Distinguished Service Award (2005). Dr. Mauk has taught nurses and students in China, UAE, and Chile over the past several years. She was instrumental in the development of the global rehabilitation nursing certification. Dr. Mauk has a passion for helping other countries develop rehabilitation nursing into a strong specialty to promote quality care for their aging populations and those with disabilities.
Courses with Kristen L. Mauk
Browse Course CatalogPreventing Lawsuits in Long-Term Care: Strategies for Administrators
Presented by Cheryl Lehman, PhD, RN, CRRN, Amy Magnano, JD, and Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
Preventing Lawsuits in Long-Term Care: Strategies for Administrators
This course discusses the risk factors specific to long-term care administrators that arise during legal action against facilities. Participants will gain an understanding of the legal processes related to lawsuits and how this impacts administration. Examples of legal cases in which leadership staff were asked to testify are presented. Participants will learn strategies of how to reduce the risk of legal action being brought against them personally, as well as reducing risk for their organization. Issues such as what to expect in a deposition are discussed. This course is appropriate for administrators working in any setting, but particularly pertains to those working in long-term care.
Overview of Elder Abuse & Mistreatment
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
Overview of Elder Abuse & Mistreatment
Elder abuse and mistreatment is a growing problem in our aging society but goes largely unreported. Since most health care professionals are mandated to report suspected elder abuse, recognizing the risk factors, signs, and symptoms of mistreatment in older adults is vital. This course provides an overview of statistics and trends in elder mistreatment and how to distinguish between types of abuse.
NA: Elder Abuse Assessment & Interventions
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
NA: Elder Abuse Assessment & Interventions
Elder abuse and mistreatment is a growing problem in our aging society, but goes largely unreported. Nursing assistants (NAs) are key members of the team in identifying possible abuse situations. This course provides NAs working in various settings with the tools to recognize potential abuse, know what to report to the nurse, how to handle challenging situations with patients and families when abuse is suspected, and ways to be proactive in preventing elder mistreatment.
Theories & Models for Rehabilitation Nursing
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
Theories & Models for Rehabilitation Nursing
This course is part of our CRRN(R) Prep-Program. Learn more about the full prep-program here: MedBridge CRRN(R) Prep-Program.
Various theories and models related to rehabilitation nursing that can guide practice and promote positive patient outcomes are presented in this course. Major nursing theories, as well as those from other disciplines (including developmental, behavioral, cognitive, and personality theories), will be addressed. The ARN Professional Nursing Practice Competency Model, developed by a team of experts to help guide nursing practice in the specialty of rehabilitation, is briefly introduced. Examples of practical application of these theories and models through scenarios are given and illustrated.
CRRN(R) is a registered trademark of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
Rehabilitation Nursing for Neurological Diseases
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
Rehabilitation Nursing for Neurological Diseases
This course is part of our CRRN(R) Prep-Program. Learn more about the full prep-program here: MedBridge CRRN(R) Prep-Program.
Rehabilitation nurses often care for patients or clients with neurological diseases of a chronic nature. The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of common neurological diseases seen in rehabilitation, including Parkinson's disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), myasthenia gravis (MG), Huntington's chorea, and post-polio syndrome (PPS). Basic pathophysiology of these disorders is presented along with rehabilitation nursing strategies for assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation.
CRRN(R) is a registered trademark of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
Management of Bowel and Bladder in Rehabilitation Nursing
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
Management of Bowel and Bladder in Rehabilitation Nursing
This course is part of our CRRN(R) Prep-Program. Learn more about the full prep-program here: MedBridge CRRN(R) Prep-Program.
Management of bowel and bladder is a major nursing task in rehabilitation. The rehabilitation nurse should recognize the types of neurogenic bowel and bladder function often seen in stroke, spinal injury, brain injury, and various neurological disorders. These types will be discussed along with nursing interventions to promote self-care and normalcy.
CRRN(R) is a registered trademark of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
The Interprofessional Rehabilitation Team
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
The Interprofessional Rehabilitation Team
Rehabilitation is most effective when a team of specialists works together with the patient to accomplish mutually established goals. In this course, participants will learn about each of the members of the interprofessional team and how they work together to promote goal attainment. The function of team members and how nurses collaborate with them for best patient outcomes will be explored.
CRRN(R) is a registered trademark of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
Management of Nutrition and Metabolic Needs in Rehabilitation
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
Management of Nutrition and Metabolic Needs in Rehabilitation
Nutritional and metabolic needs of rehabilitation patients must be strategically met to promote optimal outcomes. This course presents information on assessing nutritional status, the normal swallowing process, screening for dysphagia, interventions related to swallowing disorders, and positioning for feeding, as well as teaching interventions for safe swallowing, managing nutrition, using adaptive equipment, and promoting skin integrity.
CRRN(R) is a registered trademark of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
Study Methods and Test-Taking Strategies for the CRRN® Exam
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
Study Methods and Test-Taking Strategies for the CRRN® Exam
This course content will help students to learn successful test-taking skills. Items such as test question construction, how to identify keywords in a question, and finding distractors in the multiple choice answers will be discussed. Practical strategies for passing the CRRN(R) exam will help students to be prepared for the certification test. The test outline is reviewed along with resources for student study such as websites, review cards, the ARN core curriculum, and other helpful texts.
CRRN(R) is a registered trademark of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
Ethical Principles in Rehabilitation Nursing
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
Ethical Principles in Rehabilitation Nursing
This course gives participants an overview of ethical principles and how they relate to rehabilitation nursing. Autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice are discussed. The ANA Code for Nurses helps to illustrate commonly held standards for ethical practice. Case studies are used to illustrate ethical decision-making and advance directives.
CRRN(R) is a registered trademark of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
Impact of Aging on the Rehabilitation of Older Adults
Presented by Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
Impact of Aging on the Rehabilitation of Older Adults
This course gives students an overview of the normal aging process and how this impacts rehabilitation of patients and families. Specific abnormalities common to advanced age are presented. Participants will learn to distinguish normalities versus abnormalities of aging. A brief review of geriatric syndromes--such as falls, polypharmacy, pressure injury, urinary incontinence, and delirium--is given, as these conditions relate to rehabilitation of the older adult. Psychosocial issues that impact rehabilitation outcomes in older adults are discussed.
CRRN(R) is a registered trademark of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.
Certified Global Nurse – Rehabilitation (CGN-R) Preparation Course
Presented by Michelle Camicia, PhD, RN, CRRN, CCM, NEA-BC, FARN, FAHA, FAAN and Kristen L. Mauk, PhD, DNP, RN, CRRN, GCNS-BC, GNP-BC, FARN, FAAN
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