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Amanda Fay
Amanda Fay is a clinical education and evidence-based practice educator, MSN, and RN with more than 21 years of nursing and education experience. She is an innovator with a passion for creating engaging, relevant programs that support individuals reaching their highest potential in both personal and professional domains.
In Amanda's current role as a clinical educator, she mentors and coaches other educators, helps them develop in their role, and facilitates opportunities for professional growth. Previously, Amanda worked as a manager of clinical education and evidence-based practices. In this role, she mentored and coached educators in developing transparency, authenticity, collaborative development, and emotional intelligence for professional growth.
Amanda's vast skills include podcasting, Epic proficiency, simulation creation, team building, organization conflict management, culture transformation, clinical reasoning development, data analytics, education, and public speaking.
Amanda also conducts presentations on evidence-based practices for LPNs, LNAs, RNs, and home healthcare professionals. Presentation topics include the rationale behind behavior strategies and improving the work environment, challenges in the classroom to facilitate critical thinking, and self-care for nurses.
Amanda received her master of science in nursing education (MSN) from Walden University in Minneapolis. She is a member of the American Nurses Association (ANA).
Courses with Amanda Fay
Browse Course CatalogUse of a Holter Monitor at Home
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Use of a Holter Monitor at Home
This course will cover the proper procedure as well as patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations for the use of a Holter monitor in the home setting.
Changing Oxygen Tank Regulators
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Changing Oxygen Tank Regulators
This course will cover the proper procedure as well as patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations for changing an oxygen tank regulator.
Liquid Oxygen System
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Liquid Oxygen System
This course will cover the proper procedure as well as patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations for the operation of a liquid oxygen system, including refilling of a portable device.
Management Of Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD) and Monitoring Client With Pacemaker At Home
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Management Of Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD) and Monitoring Client With Pacemaker At Home
This course will cover the proper procedure as well as patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations for the management of an automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD) and pacemaker.
Managing Airborne Precautions at Home
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Managing Airborne Precautions at Home
This course will cover the proper procedure as well as patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations for the management of airborne precautions at home.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
This course will cover the proper procedure as well as patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations for CPAP assessment and management.
Prevent Transmission of Bedbugs, Lice, and Scabies
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Prevent Transmission of Bedbugs, Lice, and Scabies
This course will cover the proper procedure as well as patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations related to the prevention of transmission of bedbugs, lice, and scabies.
Clostridium Difficile
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Clostridium Difficile
This course will cover the proper procedure as well as patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations related to the prevention of transmission of Clostridium difficile also known as C. diff.
Hand Hygiene
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Hand Hygiene
This course will cover the proper procedure as well as patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations for hand hygiene.
Managing the COVID Patient at Home
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Managing the COVID Patient at Home
This course will cover the proper procedure, patient education, documentation guidelines, and care considerations for the management of the COVID patient at home.
House Call Episode 2: Active Listening With the OARS Model
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Tonya Miller, PT, DPT, PhD
House Call Episode 2: Active Listening With the OARS Model
Active listening with a patient allows the clinician to gain insight into a patient's motivational level and potential barriers for health behavior changes. In this course, we explore strategies for active listening during a patient home health visit. Gaining skills in active listening gives the clinician tools to support the patient through challenging health behavior changes and improves patient outcomes. In this podcast, we examine the difference in patient outcomes when using directive patient interactions and active listening strategies to demonstrate the impact of a clinician's active listening skills. The course reviews ways to incorporate the active listening strategies outlined in the OARS model: asking open-ended questions, affirming, using reflective listening, and summarizing. At the end of the podcast, the listener will have an understanding of active listening strategies and ways to incorporate active listening into patient care.
House Call Episode 3: Being Empathetic and Expressing Empathy
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Tonya Miller, PT, DPT, PhD
House Call Episode 3: Being Empathetic and Expressing Empathy
Empathy allows the clinician to gain insight into a patient,s motivational level and potential barriers for health behavior changes. In this course, we explore ways to use an empathic approach during a patient home health visit. Coming from a place of empathy allows the clinician to support the patient in challenging health behavior changes and improves patient outcomes. In this podcast, we demonstrate the impact of empathy in patient care by examining the difference in patient outcomes achieved through directive patient interactions versus an empathic approach. The course reviews ways to approach patient care through verbal and nonverbal expressions of empathy. At the end of the podcast, the listener will understand the empathic approach to patient care and ways to facilitate the use of verbal and nonverbal expressions of empathy.
House Call Episode 1: Assessing Patient Readiness to Change
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Tonya Miller, PT, DPT, PhD
House Call Episode 1: Assessing Patient Readiness to Change
It is important for clinicians to understand patients' readiness for change. In this course, we explore the ways to assess a patient's readiness to change during a home health visit. Understanding when a patient is in the precontemplation stage of change and is not ready to change allows the clinician to gain insight into a patient's motivational level and potential barriers for positive health behavior changes. In this podcast, we examine the difference in patient outcomes when a clinician does not recognize when a patient is in the precontemplation stage of change versus when a clinician recognizes the patient's stage of change. The course highlights the importance of determining a person's motivations for change and incorporating patient goals into the treatment approach. At the end of the podcast, the listener will understand the ways to recognize a patient's readiness to change and strategies to support the patient in the health behavior change process.
House Call Episode 4: Breaking Down Barriers to Change
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Tonya Miller, PT, DPT, PhD
House Call Episode 4: Breaking Down Barriers to Change
Recognizing friction when working with a patient allows the clinician to gain insight into potential barriers to change. By recognizing this friction, the clinician creates an opportunity to facilitate moving toward positive health behavior outcomes. In this course, we explore ways to recognize friction in the health behavior change process during a home health visit. We examine the difference in patient outcomes when a clinician does not recognize friction in the change process versus when the clinician recognizes that friction. We will also see what it looks like when a clinician facilitates moving toward positive health behavior outcomes through strategies such as the pulling change method. At the end of the podcast, the listener will understand how to recognize barriers to change and employ strategies to overcome the friction in the change process.
Edema Assessment and Management
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Edema Assessment and Management
Assessment of lower extremity edema is commonly conducted to understand the patient's current status as it deviates from baseline or normal functioning. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for edema assessment and management. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
The results of this assessment are used to develop a comprehensive clinical picture with the primary care provider, to develop a proper plan of care, and to implement interventions. Throughout the assessment, nursing staff, physical therapists, and physician assistants must consider the patient's age and genetics, past medical history, surgical interventions, and any medication use.
In this instruction, we will review the equipment and procedures used for identifying and assessing peripheral edema through palpation.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Bag Technique
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Bag Technique
Proper bag technique is an essential part of providing effective care as a home health provider. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for bag technique. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
Every time you visit a patient's home, you should make sure you're following effective bag technique to prevent any cross contamination and keep your patients healthy.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Urinary Catheter Irrigation
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Urinary Catheter Irrigation
Irrigation of a urinary catheter is an essential procedure for patients who require catheter placement for treatment. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for urinary cateter irrigation. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
This procedure is an aseptic procedure that requires adequate space for sterile field and equipment. When irrigating a catheter, it is important to adhere to evidence-based procedures to prevent home care-acquired conditions such as catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs).
In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for performing irrigation of a urinary catheter.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Cardiac Pulses Assessment: Upper Body and Lower Extremity
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Cardiac Pulses Assessment: Upper Body and Lower Extremity
A pulse assessment is commonly conducted to understand the patient's current status as it deviates from baseline or normal functioning. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures assess cardic pulses for the upper and lower extremity. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
The results of this assessment are then used to develop a comprehensive clinical picture with the primary care provider, to develop a proper plan of care, and to implement interventions. Throughout the assessment, nursing staff, physical therapists, and physician assistants must consider the patient's age and genetics, past medical history, surgical interventions, peripheral trauma and scarring, and presence of severe edema.
In this training, we will review the equipment and procedures for identifying and assessing peripheral pulses through palpation.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Cardiovascular Assessment
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Cardiovascular Assessment
A cardiovascular assessment is commonly conducted to understand the patient's current status as it deviates from baseline or normal functioning. The results of this assessment are then used to develop a comprehensive clinical picture with the primary care provider, to develop a proper plan of care, and to implement interventions.
In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for the Cardiovascular Assessment. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
Throughout the procedure, nursing staff, physical therapists, and physician assistants must consider the patient's age, past medical history, surgical interventions, thoracic trauma, and any medication use.
We will learn how to assess cardiovascular anatomy through inspection, palpation, and auscultation as well as assess cardiovascular function through a series of subjective and objective questions.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Ostomy/Ileostomy Assessment and Pouch Change: One- and Two-Pouch System
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Ostomy/Ileostomy Assessment and Pouch Change: One- and Two-Pouch System
Assessing, pouching, and providing stoma care are necessary procedures for patients who require the use of a pouch system for treatment. It is important for nursing staff, physician assistants, physical therapists, and occupational therapists to have a thorough understanding of this procedure to assess the function of the patient's newly formed stoma. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for ostomy/ileostomy assessment and pouch change for the one- and two-pouch systems. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
Throughout the procedure, clinicians must be aware of skin irritation that can occur with an ill-fitting pouching device on an ileostomy, as well as any allergies to adhesives the patient may have.
In this instruction, we will learn how to perform an assessment on a stoma and determine the appropriate output for ostomy type, as well as assist nurses in understanding how to care for a patient with a colostomy or ileostomy.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Gastrointestinal Assessment
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Gastrointestinal Assessment
A gastrointestinal, or GI, assessment is commonly conducted to understand the patient's current status as it deviates from baseline or normal functioning. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for how to perform an assessment of the gastrointestinal anatomy through inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation, and how to assess the gastrointestinal function. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
The results of this assessment are then used to develop a comprehensive clinical picture with the primary care provider, to determine proper plans of care, and to implement interventions. When conducting a GI assessment, nursing staff, physical therapists, and physician assistants must consider the patient's age, surgical interventions, medication use, and any trauma the patient has experienced.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Urinary Catheterization: Intermittent and Continuous
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Urinary Catheterization: Intermittent and Continuous
A urinary catheter is commonly placed for patients who require treatment for urinary retention or urinary obstruction. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for urinary catheterization. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
This is an aseptic procedure that requires adequate space for sterile field and equipment. When inserting a catheter, nursing staff must adhere to evidence-based procedures to prevent home care-acquired conditions such as catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs).
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Genitourinary (GU) Assessment
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Genitourinary (GU) Assessment
A genitourinary, or GU, assessment is commonly conducted to understand the patient's current status as it deviates from baseline or normal. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures to assess the bladder's anatomical size, location, and function through palpation and questioning as well as assess the kidneys for signs and symptoms of kidney dysfunction. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
The results of this assessment are then used to determine appropriate interventions and plans of care for the patient. When conducting a GU assessment, nursing staff, physical therapists, and physician assistants must consider the patient's age, medication use, and any transplantations.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Urostomy Stoma Care
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Urostomy Stoma Care
Assessment of a stoma for an ileal conduit is a necessary procedure for determining a plan of care for a patient requiring stoma care. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for performing an assessment on a stoma for an ileal conduit, as well as how to care for a patient with a urostomy and ileal conduit stoma. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
Nursing staff and physician assistants conducting the assessment must consider treatment of skin irritation from an ill-fitting pouching device, as well as any allergies the patient may have to adhesives commonly used in the procedure.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Percutaneous Nephrostomy (PCN) Site Care, Tube Care, and Irrigation
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Percutaneous Nephrostomy (PCN) Site Care, Tube Care, and Irrigation
Assessing a percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) site is a necessary procedure for patients who require the use of a PCN for treatment. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures to perform an assessment of the nephrostomy insertion site, troubleshoot possible complications related to nephrostomy obstruction, and explore evidence-based care to reduce infection. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
It is important to have a thorough understanding of PCN and site assessment as understanding line maintenance is crucial when caring for patients with lines and drains at home, the assessment is a relatively common and high-risk procedure that requires knowledge of aseptic technique to prevent possible infectious processes, and clinicians need to be aware of possible sequelae and monitor the patient for signs and symptoms of dehydration, infection, and/or bleeding. Throughout this procedure, nursing staff must adhere to proper aseptic technique, utilizing sterile gloves and a sterile field.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Tracheostomy Care
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Tracheostomy Care
Many patients require the use of a stoma and tracheostomy for treatment to prevent airway compromise. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for tracheostomy care. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
It is imperative the home health nurse be able to perform tracheostomy care for these patients. Throughout the care procedure, nursing staff must consider the patient's age and genetics, past medical history, surgical interventions, and any medication use.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Peak Flow Meter Use and Assessment
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Peak Flow Meter Use and Assessment
A peak flow meter is commonly used to determine deviations from normal lung function related to respiratory symptoms. Throughout the procedure, nursing staff and physician assistants must consider the patient's age and genetics, past medical history, and any medication use. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for utilizing a peak flow meter to measure forced expiratory volume to determine lung function related to respiratory symptoms. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Respiratory Assessment
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Respiratory Assessment
An assessment of a respiratory, or pulmonary, system is commonly conducted to understand the patient's current status as it deviates from baseline or normal functioning. The results of this assessment are used to develop a comprehensive clinical picture with the primary care provider, to develop a proper plan of care, and to implement interventions. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for respiratory assessment. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
Throughout the assessment, nursing staff, physical therapists, and physician assistants must consider the patient's age and genetics, past medical history, surgical interventions, and any medication usage.
In this instruction, we will review the equipment and procedures for performing a respiratory assessment utilizing subjective and objective techniques as well as identifying abnormal lung sounds.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
Spacer Use and Cleaning
Presented by Amanda Fay, MSN, RN and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board
Spacer Use and Cleaning
A multidose inhaler (MDI) chamber, or spacer, is commonly used by patients who require inhalation of medicine for treatment. In this training, we'll review the equipment and procedures for using a spacer use and cleaning. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home
Nursing staff, physical therapists, and physician assistants must be able to instruct patients on the appropriate use and rationale for a chamber with multidose inhaler use. Throughout the procedure, clinicians must consider the patient's age and genetics, past medical history, surgical interventions, and any medication use.
In this instruction, we'll review the equipment and procedures for using a chamber (aka spacer) appropriately for patients prescribed a multidose inhaler for a respiratory condition, as well as cleaning a chamber appropriately to prevent cross contamination.
This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.
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